Nation Bulletin

Government Begins Interrogation of Spy Department

They are Risking our People's Survival!

By Rimskaya State Publication Committee (R.S.P.C.)
07/23/2022 11:19 am
Updated: 07/23/2022 11:20 am

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After the recent accusation by Nukeya that WE are responsible for the poisoning of their leader, the government immediately began searching for records that such an attack was ever warranted. Obviously, we were hoping no such file or order existed since any attack on Nukeya would mean Rimskaya is toast. 

The Government was unable to find any evidence of a warranted attack- conducted within legal boundaries. 

There WAS evidence found that the spy who supposedly went to Nukeya to assassinate their leader was one with extreme patriotism. Nationalism in Rimskaya is very mediocre, as our people care more for the international community than our own glory, but that's not to say it doesn't exist. In this case, while an identity is not yet available, one suspect named [DATA EXPUNGED] was known to be a fierce Rimskayan Nationalist who did believe in the Permanent Revolutionary cause, but also held extreme hatred for our opponents, more so than the grand majority of even the Military High Command.

As a result, due to the fact this MAY have just indicated an imminent attack by Nukeya, a nuclear capable nation, on our people, Commissar Democraticus, in a flurry of rage not normally seen from him, order full interrogation of the Spy Department (which should be receiving a formal name soon) and also the upper command and government to try and find who may have "authorized" the attempted assassination.

In the meantime, Democraticus is attempting to establish a diplomatic hotline to Nukeya City as a sort of emergency communication line to prevent total war.


Posted July 23, 2022 at 3:41 pm

You might be lying about the results.

Posted July 23, 2022 at 3:47 pm

If every human assumed every human could be lying, then government would never have existed. Anarchy would be permanent.

Posted July 23, 2022 at 4:07 pm

I wouldn't think Nova Mundus or La Punta or other respectable RPers would be lying, or my alliance leaders, but I would think you would. Which is the reason for the first comment.
