Nation Bulletin

Tarled and Communist Britain sign a Mutual Defense Pact

Tarled and Communist Britain sign the Treaty of Artemis, a bilateral mutual defense pact, and the diplomatic event ends successfully.

By The daily mirror
07/22/2022 06:02 pm
Updated: 07/22/2022 06:02 pm

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Three days ago Prince Robert and the Prime Minister of Tarled flew into Heathrow airport where they met with our Supreme Leader Boris Johnson and the General of the Armed Forces. They took the supreme leaders private limousine on a tour around London. They arrived at Number 10 where they were greeted by a flyover of 50 P1GI0-N fighter aircraft and a Globemaster III as a show of military strength. As well as this both countries flags were hoisted outside 10 Downing Street as a sign of friendship. They spent the rest of the day talking about food price rises and there mutual allies and enemies. The next day Boris Johnson took the guests to Parliament where Prince Robert signed the Treaty Of Artemis on behalf of King Saro who had unfortunately been hospitalized from an attempt on his life. The treaty is a bilateral mutual defense pact that was created to help protect and strengthen ties between the two nations. Prince Robert expressed his opinion on A Bloc, saying that he was interested in joining it some point in the future. The day ended with Boris Johnson reading a speech of how if Tarled ever needs help we will always be there to provide aid. The visit ended when the Prince and the Prime Minister flew back to there nation.


Posted August 08, 2022 at 9:30 am

And I don't know who u are 

Posted August 08, 2022 at 2:20 pm

your just not very memorable

Posted August 10, 2022 at 8:30 am

Sorry but how r u expecting me to remember "that one ex member from that alliance that once raided me"


It's a bit vague 
