Nation Bulletin

Security Act 2078


By His Majesty, King Jack-son-hu
07/18/2022 08:21 pm
Updated: 07/18/2022 08:21 pm

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New laws

S1)The government can now impose a curfew, lockdown or regional driving ban that lasts up to 4 weeks but must announce 96 - 108 hours before it is due to start. Emergency services and hospital workers are exempt.


S2) All borders can be shut by the government for up to 7 days with 2 hours notice given.


S3) The President, Vice-President, Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister can deploy SWAT to patrol a certain area for up to 108 hours if they suspect there is a threat to life, terrorism threat or if a terrorist or gang attack has happened.


S4) The government and police can launch checkpoints across major cities / towns to  search cars and check IDs if they suspect there's a threat to security of a city/town, if a major event is about to start or if a crime is suspected to take / have taken place.


S5) Police commanders can now launch an event to search people and cars in a 15-mile radius if they suspect a crime has or will take place. They can also launch this if a VIP visits a certain area or a threat to the nation's security occurs. This event can last between 2 - 72 hours. The searcher must identify themselves and explain the reason for the search beforehand.


S6) Police commanders can launch an event to perform drug wipes or breath tests on drivers at checkpoints or in a 5-mile radius. This event lasts for up to 12 hours. You can still legally be stopped for these tests if they suspect you have taken drugs or you appear intoxicated.


S7) The government can announce a national or regional driving ban during the holiday season. These driving bans can last up to 48 hours. Emergency services and hospital workers are exempt.


S8) Police or military personnel may search you if they suspect you have a weapon or illegal substances. They must identify themselves and explain the reason for the search to you beforehand.


S9) Police Commanders may allow an order to disperse everyone in an area and shut it down to unauthorized personnel. This order can last up to 48 hours and may be used for events involving government officials.


S10) The police can search people and their belongings at festivals, major events and political meetings. The searching officer must identify themselves and explain the reason for the search.


S11) As of 05/07/22, everyone is mandated by law to carry some sort of identification with them. Foreigners must carry their visa around too, if they have one.


Posted July 18, 2022 at 8:05 pm

What about visitors from the United Imperium? Good to see you back in bulletins btw.

Posted July 18, 2022 at 8:25 pm

