Nation Bulletin

Round 1 of the contest!

Cool contest

By ZeNews!
07/13/2022 07:16 am
Updated: 07/13/2022 07:24 am

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Round 1! (56738 contestants exist in the contest)

Before the homemade earthquake starts we interviewed many contestants possible, 1 of em is ashley, she said that shes very very nervous for this knowing his gonna die probably, 


And about the earthquake, We make earthquake by wastewater injection, hydraulic fracturing and enhanced oil recovery. Now we made an 10.8 magnitude earthquake!, One lucky contestant found a dinosaur fossil when cracks were made, Now for the first minute of the earthquake about 45 people died immidietly (they will be missed)

And a mountain landslide just occured 😱 56 people were buried (why do we allow this)



6 minutes into earthquake and it seems additional 345 people just died

Anddd the whole earthquake lasted 8 minutes! Only 56189 contestants remain!

(Why is this even happening its just stupid) the eathquake costed 55M Rubles 😱, anyways round 2 will be probably meteorite disaster as we are making missiles to change the orbit of some meteor and hit zehurk, oh and round 2 will be probably happening tommorow! (My grammar is bad)


Oh and la punta, if your seeing this could i include the puntans to come? Im giving em a suprise disaster :)



Posted July 14, 2022 at 12:08 am

Good luck to the participants
