Nation Bulletin

Updates on Project and New Flag Proposal

Let's get up to Speed

By Rimskaya State Publication Committee (R.S.P.C.)
07/10/2022 08:17 pm
Updated: 07/10/2022 08:18 pm

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The Rimskaya National Government announces the following changes be made to "Project Demeter"

-The Project is officially renamed to "Project Aequitas" after the Roman God of Justice, Equality, and Fairness in order to compensate for a new goal for the project.

-The goals of the project have been expanded upon from more than just food provision. The project now aims to be a form of "welfare" aimed at assisting newer nations to Orbis on all aspects of the market. Not necessarily and alliance, but a supranational organization, nonetheless.

-The New Organization will be designed as a "Rank-and-File" Committee, where the participant nations democratically make decisions rather than like a private corporation dealing behind the backs of its members, workers, and consumers. This is aimed at enhancing communication and overall agreements as well as creating a way to discuss and manage disputes.

-All nations that are a part of the Project or in favor of it as of now will receive a telegram within the coming days with further updates.


In other news, the National Government has officially drafted up a proposal for a new flag for the country, originally made and unique:


This flag is going to be voted upon to see whether or not it will replace the current one. If any nations would like to provide their input, please do so.

-The SPQR keeps with the Roman ideals of this being a multi-ethic state.

-The Lion with the Kastane Sword is a symbol of the irl events going on in Sri Lanka as a tribute to the people there and their quest for equality and social prosperity.

Feel free to provide opinions.


Posted July 11, 2022 at 12:34 am

OFN could mean a lot of things- which one do you mean?

Posted July 11, 2022 at 2:28 am

Hmm, interesting. Yes, it seems that may be. But we might make it different and for new purposes.

Posted July 11, 2022 at 3:44 pm

#1 The Sri Lankan Lion is there as a reference to the struggles of their people at the given moment.

#2, The Hammer and Sickle is there because, well, we're a Communist Democracy.
