Nation Bulletin

New Pro-Communist Game is Phenomenal Success

Take That Capitalist Pigs.

By Rimskaya State Publication Committee.
07/10/2022 08:38 am
Updated: 07/10/2022 08:38 am

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In conjunction with developers from the People's Republic of Pokeland, we have successfully created our own game of "Call of Honour: Communism Takedown" that serves the exact opposite.

Titled "Call of the Workers' Party", the game doesn't focus on one person, but rather on one country. It follows the story of the Soviet Union from revolution, through the 20th century, and into the early 21st century (remember 2020? 2077 makes those days look like a right picnic.). The game was just released and was sold out in half the game stores across the country within the first 36 hours, while the online version has been downloaded by about 30% of our total population and growing fast.

After so many games have been made showing the destruction and prejudice of our severely misunderstood and mistreated ideology, we now provide a different viewpoint.

The biggest criticism of the game in Rimskaya comes from the way it positively portrays Joseph Stalin as a hero in The Great Partiotic War, while in our country he is seen as the ultimate traitor of Communism and stands as the reason it has such a bad reputation and why it failed to spread after the Bolsheviks for a long time. Nevertheless, it hasn't been a sufficient block to keep the game off the shelves- nor on the shelves for very long.


Posted July 10, 2022 at 1:15 pm

Banning the game for “not safe for work content” and also for a bunch of other nasty things 


also $85 for a crappy game? Really?

Posted July 10, 2022 at 4:31 pm

Glitch addressing: "Giraffe man"- graphics issue, being worked on.

"Land shark" simple misplacement, being worked on.

"096 girl" made that jaw too big, working on it.

"Horrors on Rimskaya street"- texturing glitches, trying to work out how that happened.

And yes, we're selling the game for prices the working class can afford, but we're not going to raise them even as the game improves.
