Nation Bulletin

Vazua In Big Trouble

The capital is falling

By Emperor Timuri
07/06/2022 04:32 pm
Updated: 07/06/2022 04:32 pm

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Because new ideas arise in Vazua, people start thinking about it. Thinking about if  Vazua and it's culture is good or bad? Because people think the laws are neither to light, or to strong. The new ideas about different regions and different ideologies start getting many people who follow them. The people made demonstrations against the current religion and ideology, but they didn't get an answer and started doing bad things. They started riots, and started burning buildings. The time has come, and after years of peace in Vazua, Vazua is almost at the brink of civil war. The people can't live in peace anymore. People start Believing in different religions, and the nations spirit is dying. Riots and demonstrations are everywhere. The police is trying to calm things down, but they don't have much success.


At 10am 30-10-2077, lots of grenades and molotov cocktails we're used to destroy the capital, Selanik. The people are frightened about what is going to happen next, and lots of people are leaving Vazua and immigrating to other nations. Since there are lots of forests in Vazua, this causes wildfires across the whole country. People are evacuating to coastal areas.


Thanks to the firefighters most fires are in control. Yet tensions haven't dropped, and the military will return the peace to Vazua. For now we advise the Vazuans to go to small villages or leave to other peaceful nations. We need to hope that the current situations will improve.


With the current situations, we advise to not go to places with lots of people, there could be an attack there. It's a code red and it's unsafe. Every terrorist that gets delivered to Selanik will be sentenced to death for starting wildfires, and disturbing the peace. You will get 50k Varmura for delivering them.


For all damages done by the riots, you will be compensated. After these incidents, Vazua will improve lots sections of the country, so nothing like this will happen again.


Posted July 06, 2022 at 3:55 pm

Kudos to the people in the picture acting totally calm while their country falls apart around them 😊

Posted July 06, 2022 at 4:00 pm


Posted July 06, 2022 at 5:01 pm

Good luck, i hope your situation improves

Posted July 07, 2022 at 3:42 pm

We thank President Fallington Of The Dalmatian State
