Nation Bulletin

Clashes in Tashike and Takawa overnight over civil rights protests. Nearly a disastrous conundrum!

Takawa and Tashike have erupted in revolution , and someone tried an assassination attempt upon our Supreme Leader.

By Yuri Charizard
07/06/2022 09:34 am
Updated: 07/06/2022 01:39 pm

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A few hours prior to Communist Britian's leader Boris Johnson leaving Pokeland , Civil rights protests spawned across the country . Leaving 25,000 citizens injured , and no death.


Protests happened in Tashike and Takawa , since most of the population voted against the government. 235,536 people in total of both Takawa and Tashike's population , 30,122 people voted against the government. One person was carrying a gun . And nearly killed our Supreme Leader . With one guard sacrificing his life to defend him. The Supreme Leader snuck out of the Miriyama Palace and into military vehicles , while people near him are beating him up , with the military defending him , The Supreme Leader has escaped to Biahoro . The Miriyama Palace caught fire , and killed all guards remaining inside. 

Biahoro was a safe place . Mostly Communists resided in the city . Midogawa and Hoori also remained safe . With all Communists residing in the city. 

This military-level threat was no longer a threat when. Their leader. Akio Gengar was arrested and thrown into prison in Pokeland. While all the remaining people ran away. 25,000 soldiers were brutally injured. Eventually the Fire department put out the Miriyama Palace fire . It was severely burnt and destroyed , and will be rebuilt. Until then , The Supreme Leader will reside in Biahoro. 



Posted July 06, 2022 at 1:13 pm

Good luck
