Nation Bulletin

Flag It Down?

It's been a banner year for local vexillology.

By Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden
04/28/2021 06:59 am
Updated: 04/28/2021 06:59 am

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Across Texas, pollsters found that a majority of the population would support displaying provincial flags outside government buildings. This discovery, accompanied by a garish bar graph, has made the front page of The Houston Chronicle.

“This deserves our unflagging support,” says excitable vexillologist Jane Adams. “All the provinces of our nation have distinct cultures and identities - why don’t we celebrate the flags that represent them? Every idealistic province of Texas deserves to sport a unique flag. That way, people can have a tangible symbol that states who they are as citizens of their province.” She then spilled a briefcase containing several dozen drafts onto the president's table.