Nation Bulletin

Valerio, True King of Westeros!

The best leader Westeros ever had, even tho he was only leader for 8 hours max.

By Cid
06/29/2022 03:46 am
Updated: 07/01/2022 12:12 pm

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Autumn and Mr.Nukey had left Westeros disgruntled from all of the happenings going on and during that time, things with Westeros continued to go downhill extremely fast. First a merger with Castle Black, then a couple coups, and third and final coup that resulted in Valerio, becoming the true king of Westeros for about 8 hours. Meanwhile Jon Snow faced a cyber attack on his nation by Klaus. Klaus was able to delete any evidence of national projects, deleted his money from all of his accounts, stole all of his cryptos, and even all of his bored ape NFTs. ALL OF JON'S APES WERE GONE! 😱 It was a travesty. While Jon raced to tell God Emperor Sheepy (Alex) that all his apes were gone and he needed them back, Westeros collapsed into flames. Most people vacated Westeros and went to the glorious Roman Empire. Valerio, True King of Westeros was told to hand over control of Westeros or Jon would pay 1 billion to have pirates 'pillage his village' to which Valerio complied. Sometime in the afternoon-ish/evening God Emperor Sheepy (Alex) grabbed his mighty ban hammer and smashed the !@#$ of Klaus for stealing all of Jon's crypto and Bored Ape NFTs, deleting Klaus from existence. Jon celebrated and claimed 'All of my apes are back!' but the damage was done. Westeros was scorched earth, everyone had left for the Glorious Roman Empire, Jon Snow had an identity crisis and morfed into a gay wizard known as Dumbledore. Somehow, The Knights Radiant are still a presence in Hollywood despite being the enabler of the Klaus !@#$ show. TKR's $10 billion movie hits all of Orbis theaters soon, but will it be as good as Morbius? Only time will tell. 


Posted June 29, 2022 at 11:59 am

Valerio! The True king of Westeros!

Posted June 29, 2022 at 2:12 pm


Posted November 06, 2022 at 7:46 am

Literally low quality shitposting but thanks for lurking 🖤
