Nation Bulletin

Wahki Liberation Front

Brand new Intelligence reveals a tear in the organisation.

By John Maybole, Editor in chief
06/17/2022 06:53 pm
Updated: 06/17/2022 09:07 pm

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Reports from the front line show the DRA struggling to keep unity between the many lawless groups fighting under it's name. Brand new Intelligence reveals a tear in the organisation. Hashim Yazid a prominent captain in the DRA organisation has broken off and formed the Wahki Liberation Front (WLF) we suspect this splinter group to have been made up of 3 former DRA Captains numbering around 700-900 armed insurgents. We believe the primary headquarters of this splinter group via previous intelligence on Hashim Yazid would be Afia a town in the far north-west of the Dematu region.


Posted June 17, 2022 at 8:06 pm

On behalf of the Kingdom of Wahkidolia we thank you for your support during this struggle. Your Grace, Ambition and Sensibility (Each first letter corresponds with a secret message GAS) will support us dearly in this conflict.
