Nation Bulletin

Haley brings forward 2077 economic policy vision for administration; To include High speed rail and welfare spending | Ruddock Media

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By Ruddock Media Team
06/15/2022 11:04 pm
Updated: 06/17/2022 09:24 am

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Haley hopes to rebuild Dauchh Palki's vital infrastructure, this plan will employ tens of thousands and boost economic growth for decades to come. More welfare and social safety nets will also be introduced to support the struggling members of our society. 

Haley met with advisors and nationwide city planners to discuss the administrations 2077 economic policy vision. 


The board said that there is an impactful history of racial discrimination surrounding Dauchh Palki's infrastructure, predominantly black or Spanish parts of cities had worse transportation connections. Examples of this can be seen in Calarie, Roachia, Greenich City, and others. The board also claims that the plan it is is implementing would improve the quality of transportation in these communities and level it to be on par with other communities that may have not recieved that discrimination. 

The project will cost 53 Billion Dauchoins, making it the most expensive undertaking in Dauchh Palkian history. The plan would employ tens of thousands, and likely provide huge economic growth in the coming years, says the board. The plan will also focus on further re-integrating the South Delarean republic with the rest of Dauchh Palki.  The plan's expected cost has already been updating, moving from 42 Billion Dauchoins to 53 in a week, in response the board announced they could sell off some portions of the high speed rail network to transportation corporations, where they would charge the fare instead of the government. 

SDNAP leaders have already made it clear they completely oppose the plan to integrate South Delare, in a bid that voters hope to keep South Delare independent and self sufficient. 63% of goods that make it into South Delarean ports eventually end up in Greenich Bay, and not South Delare, which is also a huge economic incentive for Dauchh Palki. DPL leader Lee Mancirie says he fully supports the plan, but that much of DPL is divided on whether the plan should integrate South Delare. Giving the proposal a large amount of bipartisan support. Mancirie later said, "The plan which would create a huge economic boost and employ thousands, after a recession, is a no brainer!"

The plan would also aim to improve internet speeds to make Dauchh Palki even more efficient, upgrading radio towers, cable lines, power stations, and satellites. 

The board and supporters also claim that the high speed rail connections would dramatically lower costs on all goods in Dauchh Palki, everything from plastic to food to toys. With a global food crisis ending, and inflation peaking at all times, how could that be harmful? GDP is already projected to rise in 2077 from 280 Billion to 336 billion, according to recent estimates. The plan could make the strongest year in Dauchh Palki even stronger. Estimates range that if completed by 2085, it could add over 65 Billion Dauchoins in just three years.

The board released this map of the plan:



The Board later announced part two of the plane, which would aim to strengthen welfare programs around Dauchh Palki. Lee Mancirie also added, "in the welfare spending proposal we wanted the kind of welfare change Labour would be forced to implement to pass this bill, so we struck a deal, and we'll be working with corporate Dauchh Palki to build job centers, and move the unemployed into the workforce quickly." The plan would also include a $25 Billion welfare spending proposal which would go out to Dauchh Palki's neediest families to support payments on food, electricity, and education.




Posted June 16, 2022 at 12:24 pm

The speeds make me think of the Autobahn...
