Nation Bulletin

War with Saint Kitts And Nevis


By Antiguan News
06/14/2022 12:43 pm
Updated: 06/14/2022 12:43 pm

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Yesterday, Saint Kitts And Nevis had declared war on us because they like "Taking candy from babies" I'm serious, that was their reason to declare war, nothing creative all that much. but the war with nevis will be soon coming to an antiguan victory. also, too note. nevis had threatened to "Nuke us" if we didn't give them 3 million dollars, claiming they knew we have it. OF COURSE. The senate declined before we would get extorted, have a look a what just happened64e3db39fdc57a62920b0679e8e2a58ef99d9e73x936.png

And that was the most petty threat ive ever seen in a while, antigua and barbuda has air superiority, and tanks, and im surprised to see their brave enough to go against us.
