Nation Bulletin

Cao Cao Overthrows Hong Kong Government

Cao Mengde storms into the Central Government Complex and establishes a new monarchy.

By James Lai
06/11/2022 07:00 pm
Updated: 06/11/2022 07:03 pm

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Kowloon City, KLN. Cao Cao (courtesy name Mengde), formerly a poet, statesman, and warlord, has marched into the Central Government Complex of Hong Kong to demand power and an establishment of a new monarchist government. Being the former grand chancellor of the Eastern Han dynasty and the founder as well as Emperor of Cao Wei, power was immediately transferred, disregarding his controversial past and legacy.

The flag and official name of the state was declared to not be changed, due to Cao Cao’s admiration of the etymology of the city-state. Additionally, the newly established regime was too lackadaisical to host a flag redesigning competition or change the constitution with a new name.

Although many still believe Cao Cao to be a tyrant and crazed in the mind, public surveys conclude that the new king has high approval. 2078 General Elections will be halted until Cao Cao approves of the vote.

11.01.27 NOT Sing Pao Daily News - This is not a real newsreport!


Posted September 05, 2022 at 6:46 pm

Why would he overthrow the governmen?
