Nation Bulletin

Bawia Pact revisited

ANZAC remains committed to achieving Net Zero by 2085

By King Surfer Captain Good Vibes
06/07/2022 10:14 am
Updated: 06/07/2022 10:14 am

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"4 September, 2070, Bawia

The Bawia Pact was signed today at noon by 7 nations from four different continents. They all agreed on reducing significantly the pollution in their nations by 2085"


King Surfer Captain Good Vibes announced to the world today that his nation remains committed to a Net Zero target by 2085.

Governments come and governments go but the environment is paramount for all generations. The contitutional monarchy that is the Oceanic Domain of ANZAC has recently seen a new leftist popular government elected. This government remians committed to the Bawia Pact obligations and targets. As a Pacific Ocean nation,  ANZAC is in support of the nations of the Pacific which face an existential threat from global warming that is dire and immediate. Recent developments in the nation such as the aquistion of nuclear weapons caused some members of the government concern if possessing a nuclear arsenal was 'in the spirit' of a Net Zero pollution policy. But realpolitik dictated that for the nation to survive and grow in an ever changing and unsteady world, a credible deterrence was required. ANZAC's avowed policy of 'no first use' and the command structure of the nuclear forces at the strategic level is to assure the world of our peaceful intentions.

The Oceanic Domain of ANZAC has noted a decline in nations remaining committed to reducing pollution with the current strategic situation so fluid. Nations seem preoccupied with wars and internal divisions that a peaceful planet whose environment is held in trust for future generations seems to be a low priority.

The King Surfer announced "Do we want a future world where the oceans are polluted, islands and island reef surf breaks flooded by sea level rises and our children have to surf in radiation suits?" "I ask now for other nations to re-engage in the Bawia Pact, all idealogies aside and strive to rid the world of Orbis of pollution"


Posted June 08, 2022 at 6:21 pm

Whst is the pollution talk I here
