Nation Bulletin



By Captain Charles Johnson
06/06/2022 07:35 pm
Updated: 06/06/2022 07:35 pm

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After a game of alliances and treaties, Pirate Land has yet again been thrown in a huge Orbis war. The country, stil rebuilding after the last major war, was attacked and swiftly defeated by Lmao Ze Dong. The country was yet again in ruins, was the country lost? After some time, a nation from the friendly alliance of The wei, The Empire of Wjxt, sent us cry for help, our friend was being attacked by the Philippines Greater Empire and unable to defend itself alone. 

The great captain and his comitee of leading ships united on captain Jack Sparrrow's flagship to quickly discuss what would be done. The country was in ruins, no money in the coffers, a barely functionning steel industry, damages in all of it's main cities and town and the army was in a pitiful shape. After two days of long and harsh arguing it was finnaly decided that the nation of Pirate Land was going to war yet again!


Immediately, the government went into the reserves and used half of our remaining money to buy tons of steel. The plan was simple, build has much ships as quickly as possible to destroy the ennemies armada and blockade their nation, we would make them starve if necessary. The great capatain, Jack Sparrrow, officialy declared war on Philippines Greater Empire on the 06/04/2076 02:00 pm.


The war was brutal, waves after waves of Philippino aircraft kept pounding the country with mass bombardment, shelling our boats and destroying 12% of all buildings in the main cities. But after enduring this relentless war for days on end, the Philippines Greater Empire finaly called for peace to be instaled after the final attack of the war on 06/06/2076 07:01 pm.

Everyone in the country cheered the army! Pirate Land was not yet to be lost to history! With no more ennemies in sight, maybe Pirate Land will finnaly be able to rebuild to the days of old or even more! Talk shyt you get the pit!