Nation Bulletin

Meet the leader of the DRA

This is Koffi Ali Nazra, Commander of the Dematu Resistance Army

By Ben Curr, Independent Reporter
06/03/2022 08:22 am
Updated: 06/03/2022 08:22 am

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This is Koffi Ali Nazra, Commander of the Dematu Resistance Army he was born in a town near by Dematu. When he was just young his parents were murdered by brutal rebels during the Wahki-Dolian Conflict of 1982-1983 they reportedly abducted the young Koffi to be used as a child soldier in their own political gains. The group in question was one of many the King encountered during the beginning of his reign and are suspected to still be operating if not under the control of the DRA. Koffi's rise to power is somewhat recent after the death of Nana Tutu Kulumi who was the leader of the "Wahki Power" Political Party a front for a large scale militant group seeking to seize control of Wahkidolia's Government. After his sudden death to a heart attack many factions took the remaining forces of his Organisation one of which was his right-hand man the 43yr old Koffi Ali Nazra.


Posted June 03, 2022 at 10:37 pm

Yes it is more to come every other day. Break offs, conflicts and more.
