Nation Bulletin

Sharken-Deuo: New city of the god's

Sharken-Deuo is a bustling metropole dedicated to the gods.

By Mennevi Leshek
05/31/2022 10:17 am
Updated: 05/31/2022 10:17 am

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"It is with great honor, and dedication to the gods that this great city has been bult...." says his majesty when queried about Sharken-Deuo "We have been lacking on lead production, and I thought we should have a city with more lead mines to balance out the economy " Our researchers believe that this action was done due to the era of raiding that the nation has been through. It is estimated that the Akeinian economy should flourish  with our new weeb allies.

That's all for today folks!


Glory to the people,Rolier,and Akeyinu!!!