Nation Bulletin

Mayor Declares South Delare Independent | Radiation Causing Spike in Cancer | Aid from Alakiosantanpania | GDBNNT

GDBNNT | We briefly look over impactful topics and events this month that is keeping Dauchh Palki and the world tuning in. Stay informed with GDBNNT BROADCASTING SUBSCRIPTIONS

By Zihah Benflo| GDBNNT
05/23/2022 07:37 pm
Updated: 05/24/2022 08:46 pm

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Mayor Declares South Delare Independent | Tensions in Dauchh Palki | Aid from Alakiosantanpania 

Mayor of BodanFord, Thomas Caldellow recently declared the independence of the "South Delarean Republic" in BodanFord, commanding authorities in the city and civilians to:


It appears what was once thought to be a fringe group speaking for the society of civilians in South Delare is a horrifyingly large political movement. One which advocates for the independence of South Delare from Dauchh Palki. With Iron production at a halt, the economy, "definitely headed for a recession" -(says Fifth Department Economic Advisor, Johnas Botelho) and anger with the Haley administration's policies mounting, the civilians of South Delare and calling for independence. Many believe an independent South Delare would better manage the affairs and better respond to the interests of its civilians. The Contrast between South Delare and Greenich Bay in the eyes of advocates is astonishingly large. South Delare is much more economically free, is more accepting to immigrants and different cultures, as well radical ideologies. 

Statues of important historical figures, including the founder of Dauchh Palki, John Jeralchi who famously lead a raid on Fort Delare have been defaced and in some cases vandalized beyond repair.  


Alfred Venzio's statue at the Fort Delare central square on May 23rd. Alfred Venzio was a european immigrant and a key contributor in the raid onto Fort Delare as part of the Greenich War.

Protestors and rioters also set fire to the Dauchh Palkian Unification Plaza in downtown Bauchas. Later that evening, rioters bombed the second military headquarters of the Dauchh Palkian national gaurd and also looted it killing 32. Most of the deaths were civilians. Military intel into the looting shows valuable information concerning military operations were stolen. Including the locations of naval and ground positions near Spain in the eastern Atlantic. Several officers protecting the headquarters were killed with blunt objects or fists, no use of firearms by the rioters is apparent. Senior military officer, age 46, Denipro Benislak tragically passed away on May 25th as a result of injuries from fighting and collapsing debris around. Six of the officers at the looting are currently hospitalized, and of those six, four have been paralyzed since the 23rd.


The second military headquarters of the Dauchh Palkian national guard in Bauhcas.

(May 24th)

Officials in South Delare also claim that militias have been organized to defend the new South Delarean Republic in BodanFord.

 Aid from Alakiosantanpania also arrived on the day before to aid with rioting damages. The aid package sent by Alakiosantanpania (totally didn't copy & paste the name, I'm a champ) sits around the value of 100 million Dauchoins, which will cover nearly a ninth of damages as damages and vandalism costs surmount to a recent total of 946 million Dauchoins.
Palort city damages no longer remain the most expensive but at an astounding 168 million Dauchoins in repair costs.

In Mecirke, damages surfaced to 203 Million Dauchoins after the recent bombings.


As Global War twenty four rages across the globe, the use of nuclear weapons and therefore levels of radiation have skyrocketed. Increases in Cancer patients have also jumped 7% and are expected to rise dramatically soon. As a result, the purchase of radiation filtering gas masks has become incredibly popular with the spread of toxic radiation across Orbis. Gas Mask sales from all official sellers have jumped 3456.7% from the last month. The government is spending tens of millions on the importing of anti radioactive gear from around Orbis with an increasingly limited supply.

Thats all for GDBNNT Monthly Highlights.




Posted September 25, 2023 at 1:24 am

Lmao the colapse of duch plaki 🤣🤣🤣🤣
