Nation Bulletin

BREAKING NEWS: Clock Commits War Crimes in Unprovoked Invasion!!

"Our blood is on their hands, and every member of the Clock bloc is responsible!"

By Author shall remain anonymous to protect him from Clock
05/21/2022 07:47 pm
Updated: 05/27/2022 12:45 am

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It was just another beautiful day in The Back Room. Birds were
singing, society had reached its peak, and people were the happiest
they could be.

In one moment, life was peaceful as it should be. The next, all was destroyed,
and innocent women and children were screaming as they were 
consumed by flames. Such is the tale of the Clock bloc, who had just
launched a vicious invasion with the intent to do nothing but destroy and


Cataclysm, a member alliance of the Clock bloc, was the alliance responsible for the attack described above, and is one of Clock's most infamous alliances when it comes to war crimes. The watermark in the upper-right corner was planted by them after executing the journalists that reported this to trick skeptics into thinking that the war crimes are fake.

According to Xi Xinping, This invasion was launched because The Back Room
allegedly attempted to persuade Hollywood to attack Clock. However, as of
now, The leaders of Clock still have yet to show proof of this, nor will
they likely anytime soon due to Clock's refusal to cooperate.

"My BAAaAaAaaaAbYyyy was in that war… you monster… don’t you have any feelings?" 
yelled a grieving mother at a meeting between the leaders of the Clock bloc.
A day later, she was publicly executed, Aztec style, in front of thousands of 
spectators who were forced to attend before being executed themselves.

This, amongst many other crimes against humanity, such as the one shown below, have been recorded since the start of the conflict on May 21st.


Istandor, the Imperator of the Legion, among other leaders, 
barely made it out alive after Eclipse soldiers stormed 
into the Legion's senate building, demanding that they
surrender themselves, and all of their civilian populations 
to be executed for their amusement.

"My whole family is gone, along with my friends, my livelihood,
and my sanity. Our blood is on their hands, and every member
of the Clock bloc is responsible!" stated one senator.

The stories of the victims in this article are only a few out of millions
who are being systemically persecuted, harassed, and slaughtered in this
horrendous atrocity fueled by hatred and nationalism. Maybe some day the
bloodlust of the Clock bloc will come to an end and peace will finally
return to this world, now scarred by tyranny, hatred, and needless death.
However, when this day will come is up to the leaders of the alliances 
that form Clock.

If you did not cry or if you support Clock, 
then you are part of the problem.


Images were bravely provided by Uncle Iroh of The Legion.


Posted May 22, 2022 at 12:54 am

A sad day when thousands of innocents are killed or taken prisoner. I can only hope the whole world of Orbis holds clock responsible for these horrific actions against human rights.

Posted May 22, 2022 at 1:06 am

Wow very real proof of human rights violations, definitely never going to support them now.

Posted May 22, 2022 at 1:33 am

Sweet, sweet war crimes.

Posted May 23, 2022 at 11:45 am

GATO stands with you! Together we shall send these heathens back to they’re homes on coffins!


Posted May 23, 2022 at 2:33 pm

We are under attack as well... Clock should pay dearly for this...

Posted May 24, 2022 at 1:42 am

Fight the clock bloc!

Also... is this another... GLOBAL WAR???

Posted May 24, 2022 at 1:05 pm

very based 10/10 burning infra fun will nuke more now.

Posted May 24, 2022 at 3:53 pm

There’s nothing to see here; move along!

(RP’ing, don’t go crazy lol)

Posted May 24, 2022 at 3:58 pm

True story

Posted May 24, 2022 at 4:18 pm

Down with the Barbaric invaders from Clock! lets fight them all!
reply to this message if you have military and off beige to show them how strong we are 
