Nation Bulletin

Rogue Plane With Bomb: Update

Rogue Plane has crash landed

By President RockyStars
05/18/2022 12:53 pm
Updated: 05/18/2022 12:54 pm

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This morning, the rogue British Airways 205 has finally come on the ground. It's route is quite interesting. It first goes up to Kovinia, flies back down to Cyprus to refuel. Then it goes to southeast Asia, heads straight down into Antarctica. Many know Antarctica is a no fly zone, so this is when governments started getting concerned. Then it flies up to Chicago, heads east to Infula Atlantis, and crash lands. Moments before landing, both engines shut down due to the wear down on it. It comes down hard on the runway and crashes. So why didn't the bomb explode?


Public wasn't allowed to know until the plane was on the ground. There was a military general on that exact flight. General Ripples. He contacted the military through a satellite phone he was given before the flight. The military told him to go to the bathroom, climb through the vent on the ground, go to the cargo hold, find the bomb, and dismantle it. And so, he did. Once the bomb was dismantled, it was no longer a threat.


Now, Infula Atlantis kept on denying the fact that they had anything to do with it, even though nobody asked. This was concerning enough, but the plane landing there is just a coincidence. But when they evacuated everyone, the hijackers were let go. No questioning, no jail, nothing. Just free to walk away. Infula Atlantis is under several investigations. Who knows what else they have done or are planning to?


Of the 312 people on that flight, including 6 crew members, 311 survived. One woman, a Flintes Diplomat, was shot and killed at Cyprus. 


Stay aware of Infula Atlantis. Fly safe.



Posted May 18, 2022 at 7:13 pm

Hijackers and masterminds busted.

Posted May 19, 2022 at 6:05 pm

Very scary 
