Nation Bulletin

Ukrzaction Republic Government comes to Power

New Government in Ukrzaction Republic

By Olena Kiamovka
05/17/2022 02:43 am
Updated: 05/17/2022 02:48 am

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The Ukrzaction Republic has finished its first Parliamentary Elections in the nation. Ukrzaction's Parliament is known as The Supreme Verkhovna Rada. There are 440 seats with 220 required for a majority. In this election, the Ukrzaction Democratic Party won the election with the required seats to achieve a majority. Here is a more detailed image of the seat representation in Parliament as well as the position of each Party.

Socialist Party of Ukrzaction (Red), 10 seats won: The successor to the Communist Party of Ukrzaction. This Party favors communist principles and the total nationalization of all state assets. 

Ukrzaction Democratic Party (Blue) 220 seats won: This party favors total freedom and diversity in the state as well as a driving force to promote national growth and ensure stability. 

Ukrzaction Green Party (Green) 100 seats won: A party that aims to foster an ecologically sustainable society and is an advocate for clean energy generation. 

Our Land Party (Purple) 46 seats won: A party that unites people into a shared goal to live in a stable, peaceful, and prosperous land at any cost and combines liberal policies with elements of nationalism.

Voice Party (Yellow) 44 seats won: A party that is based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the governed, and equality before the law and the party also supports support individual rights. 

Solidarity Party (Orange) 20 seats won: A party that combines conservative politics with liberal stances on economic issues, and social and ethical matters but also has communist tendencies when it comes to any other state issues.