Nation Bulletin

Cabinet formed, policies released

Cabinet is formed by Liberals and Conservatives

By Kazeya Takeyuchi, East India gazette
05/15/2022 08:23 pm
Updated: 05/15/2022 08:23 pm

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The measures have been released

Stewart Kom, An ethnically Mizo politician is elected as the president of East India. He belongs to the Liberal Party.




Atsumi Aihara, the former leader of East India is elected the Prime minister of East India. She Belongs to the Conservative Party.




Bruhsam Mookerjee, The hat tricked leader of East India, Now an average Indian uncle becomes the Leader of Opposition. He belongs to Communist Party.



The cabinet:

Home Minister: Rajah the great (the first president of East India), Liberal Party
Edu Minister: Catherine Luna Nguyen, Liberal Party
Health Minister: George Mookerjee, Liberal Party
Minister of Tribal Affairs: Richard Singh, Conservative
Minister of Preservation and Promotion of Culture: Rajendar Kumar Khushwa, Conservative
Minister of Transportation: Jiren Dorji, Conservative
Delegate of Burma (a temporary position created in order to help organise seats and stuff regarding the newly conquered territories of Burma): Saba Tyi, Independent
Foreign Minister: Ameena Jahan, Conservative


The government aims to be economically right and socially left on its policies.
It has proposed a bill on both the houses on opening market with restrictions, and it passed with a whopping 69% in each house.
Many SDP politicians were divided on whether to support reforms, or not, hence how they got majority. 

The government also has drafted a 5 year plan.
The government will look forward in betterment of the country, may the country prosper.

---Anthem Starts Playing---


Jōno gōno mōno odhinayōko jōyo he Bharōto bhagyo bidhata!
Panjab Šindhu Gujraṯ Mōraṯha Drabiṟo Utkōlo Bōngo
Bindhyo Himachōlo Jomuna Gōnga Uchchhōlo jōlodhitōrongo
Tōbo shubho name jage, tōbo shubho ashisho mage,
Gahe tōbo jōyo gatha.
Jōno gōno mōngolodayōko jōyo he Bharōto bhagyo bidhata!
Jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo jōyo jōyo jōyo he.


Ōhorōho tōbo aobhano procharito, shuni tōbo udaro bani;
Hindu Bouddho Shikh Joino Parošik Musolmano Khrishṯani
Purōbo poshchimo aše, tōbo šinghašōno pashe,
Premoharo hoy gãtha.
Jōno gōno oikyo-bidhayōko jōyo he Bharōto bhagyo bidhata!
Jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo jōyo jōyo jōyo he.


Pōtono obhyudhōyo bondhuro pōntha, jugo jugo dhabito jatri.
He chirošarothi, tōbo rōthochokre mukhoritho pōtho dinoratri.
Daruno biplōbo majhe, tōbo shōnkhodhoni baje
Šōnkoṯo duːkho trata.
Jōno gōno pōthoporichayōko jōyo he Bharōto bhagyo bidhata!
Jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo jōyo jōyo jōyo he.


Ghōro timiro ghōno nibiro nishithe pirito murchhito deshe
Jagrōto chhilo tōbo obichōlo mōngolo nōtonōyone ōnimeshe.
Duːšopone atōnke rōkkha korile ōnke
Snehomoyi tumi mata.
Jōno gōno duːkhotrayōko jōyo he Bharōto bhagyo bidhata!
Jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo jōyo jōyo jōyo he.


Ratri probhatilo, udilo robichchhobi purbo udōyo giri bhale
Gahe bihōngōmo, punyo šomirōno nōbo jibōnorōšo dhale.
Tōbo korunaruno rage nidrito Bharōto jage
Tōbo chōrone nōto matha.
Jōyo jōyo jōyo he jōyo rajeshwōro Bharōto bhagyo bidhata!
Jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo he, jōyo jōyo jōyo jōyo he.


---Anthem Ends---