Nation Bulletin

Vaccine against Monoj virus proven to be safe! Operation Jenner begins!

After many trials for the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine against the Monoj virus, from which its use was deemed safe, the EuroNutellan government has decided to start Operation Jenner.

By The Nutellan Times
05/11/2022 03:08 pm
Updated: 05/11/2022 03:08 pm

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Today the government of European Nutella has announced the existence and beginning of Operation Jenner, but what is Operation Jenner?

As many of you know, Edward Jenner was the inventor of vaccines, so you can guess that Operation Jenner is the plan to vaccinate the nation of Bjein, but then the question arises of why was all the secrecy necessary? Why even call it a special operation? The answer is fairly simple, in order for the vaccination campaign to be successful there needs to be a proper vaccination roll out, and for a proper vaccination roll out to be possible there needs to be a certain degree of stability within the government. Unfortunately the nation of Bjein de facto fell into anarchy following the spread of the virus, with the government forced to flee. That is why the Parlamentum alongside the CMIP and the EuroNutellan Military approved the start of a special operation in Bjein with three main objectives:

  • Restore order and the government in Bjein
  • Vaccinate enough Bjeians to reach herd immunity
  • Neutralize the threat posed by the terrorist organization lead by Monoj

Let us analyze each objective and what was achieved during the first day of said operation.


(Nutellan Navy transporting soldiers and medical equipment to Bjein)

Re-establishing order:

On this front there was a great success in that Nutellan troops managed to quickly seize control of the capital city Nujk and the nearby city of Yinijkt with very little resistance from unorganized terrorists and other groups of armed individuals. Contact with the Bjeian government has been attempted, we are still awaiting an answer. Some group of Bjein soldiers where contacted and convinced to join in the cause. Furthermore the Rinalijt-Ljintantk highway has been reached isolating the city of Rinalijt for easier liberation. Emergency hospital units have been set up and order has been mostly restored within the controlled territory. The nation of Bjein was blocakded in order to avoid terrorists escaping. All military and medical personnel have been vaccinated and provided with proper PPE.


(In blue: territory currently held by us; in red: territory currently in anarchy)


On day one of the operation a total of 50'000 people within the controlled territory were successfully vaccinated. 200'000 people are still awaiting their vaccination within controlled territory. It is estimated that 570'000 people died since the start of the pandemic between the virus and the anarchy, that is roughly half of Bjein's population, with another 60'000 estimated to be infected within the naton of Bjein. The remaining people are still within the territory that fell into anarchy. Vaccination is set to massively speed up as more territory is secured and order re-established.


(Charts detailing the share of population that is vaccinated or survived the virus with immunity, infected or yet to be vaccinated, either within or outside the controlled territory, first one also shows deaths)

Neutralization of Monoj:

While the mad scientist has yet to be found two cells of his terrorist group were cleared in the captured territory thanks to the element of surprise. A lot more intelligence was gathered about the enemy group and possible locations of the mad scientists are currently being investigated by intelligence. In total, 237 terrorists were arrested and awaiting trial which will be held by the Bjeian supreme court once contact with the government has been established. If no contact is established within a week a joint tribunal between European Nutellan judges and Bjein judges that have been liberated will be formed to process the criminals.


(EuroNutellan special operation teams clearing an area with suspected terrorist activity)


Posted May 11, 2022 at 3:33 pm

vaccines are extremely harmful.... they should all be banned from existence   

----- Queen Rusalochka

Posted May 11, 2022 at 4:23 pm

Clearly Queen Rusalochka's opinion is not based on reality nor any science. We do not concern ourselves with the opinions of a petty monarch in matters that are outside her field of expertise.

Posted May 11, 2022 at 11:28 pm

Rusalochka be clowning fr
