Nation Bulletin

Dauchh Palki 2075 Election Results Released | GDBNNT


By GDBNNT Election Journalists Greenich Bay Team
05/07/2022 01:44 pm
Updated: 05/11/2022 06:16 pm

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Dauchh Palki 2075 Election Results Released.

Its been a long wait, but the results have come in.

It was an extremely close race, but now we can analyze our new data and reveal Dauchh Palki's next president.


To the right, we can see Sandbar City's (South Delare) election data.

Blue for DPL, Red for Labour.

Over twenty four hours on election day, polling stations released data in each province so we can track the progression of voting by each hour.

In Sandbar City, Labour started off strong with a good 7 percentage lead at the most, but that was quickly overshadowed as the afternoon came around, leading to a DPL victory in the Sandbar City (or SD-5) Provincial election. Election data shows that the majority of votes come in around the 14th and 18th hours of the day.

The Sandbar city election results, which was by far the most competitive of any province in South Delare (despite the Fort Delare's strongly Labour area) is a testament to DPL's and conservative growing strength in South Delare. As well as anti-socialist or even specifically "anti-labour" sentiment.







The following graph represents the polling data for the Sarlington province, which DPL narrowly showed a victory over.

The DPL victory in Sarlington is one of if not the most surprising victory for any of the two campaigning  parties. Sarlington had remained a Labour stronghold, especially in the southern region in the city for quite some time, and even in the 2071/2 presidential elections. Which Dmzri won.

We can see the same voting pattern that was present in Sandbar city, where as most voters casted their vote between the fourteenth and 18th hours. However there was also a significant upturn in voting in the tenth and twentieth hours. The twentieth ofcourse being where DPL overtook Labour's voting lead in the city. Even Dmzri has won Sarlington province.









The above map showcases and then compares provincial election results with lower district election results. 

The red, representing Kihansi Haley, and the blue representing Even Dmzri.

The next president of Dauchh Palki for four years, is none other than KIHANSI HALEY, LABOUR PARTY.


Kihansi has yet to deliver her inauguration speech. The inauguration event is planned to take place January 14th.