Nation Bulletin

Husen-Kurl celebrates 10-year existence

Big parades, much to drink and minutes of silence for the deceased

By Mark Benobel and Jan Vivaldi
05/07/2022 06:35 pm
Updated: 05/07/2022 06:44 pm

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A few days ago Husen-Kurl celebrated its National Day. The 9th of November 2075 marks the nations 10-year existence. Therefore, the government (in cooperation with companies and culture associations) organized big parades throughout the country. Major party and parade took place in the capital Lukania, it was also the most attended one. Furthermore, there have been big celebrations in Brackurl, Malseen, Newstart and Keinplan. 


Brackurl's bridges flooded with visitors.

The parade in Lukania followed a strict program. The parade began at 1:00 p.m. but the first visitors already showed up 2 hours earlier. President Lukas Thiele opened the parade with an address to the nation which was also televised in the other cities. Here are the most important parts of his speech:

" Good Midday everyone! (crowd cheering) Today we celebrate that our great nation's first ten years have passed, with new ten and better years to come! But first of all, thank you all for joining us here! We will have a beautiful parade, followed by general party with the option to attend performances in music, theater or opera and at last, in the late evening, we will honor all people that once lived in and partly also served for our great nation by sending them a light from the ground of Orbis. (crowd applauding) Now let me talk about our past. When I founded this nation two years ago, I believed it will one day stand as a rock for peace, equality and humanity. What can I say? We already achieved that! (crowd cheering) Our nation has evolved over the past 10 years, today we stand here together in a place that more than any other represents us, our nation, our culture and our power. It shows a bastion of democracy, it shows your participation in finding the best solutions for our biggest problems, it shows our beloved democratic constitutional will. [...] After 4 years you had the chance to vote for the first time. Back then I got over 80% from you. I just can thank you for ultimate support and unmatched trust! Back then we also established our census and economic statistics. The year 2070 marks the beginning of visible progress! Today, we have doubled our population in comparison to 6 years ago, we also doubled our GDP and developed our infrastructure, land area, military and income. We are still not perfect! I can already hear the Greens in my ear shouting 'environmental protection! too much pollution!'. (laughs) And it is true. We have to work on our nation to make it even better. But before we begin to evaluate our future aspirations, let me continue to celebrate our past. Before this election took place in 2069, wars over wars have hunted our nation. Until May 2069 we already survived 15 of them, winning 5, peacing 10. All of that has made us stronger! But I am sure we all had enough of it, of the steady danger. Therefore, I founded my alliance: AFPED. On the 7th July 2069. It was a project that was really important to me! I tried to get members, gain protection, preserve peace. I really spent time and effort on that. And I still think we didn't do a bad work. We got at least 5 members, all of them dedicated to our common project. Our nations are still befriended, a few of them still allied with us in SoL. And I think we evolved well. In the at least 3 years of AFPED existence we built more cities and infrastructure, tripled our common population and GDP and have expanded our militaries in any aspects. In the end our alliance ranked #133 and had 3 treaties. But there was a problem: We had 3 treaties but no one of our allies was a really big alliance. But we needed that, our war statistics weren't that bad, we won 20 wars and lost 7 as a whole, but the ongoing and ongoing war declarations hindered our alliance. In these times also our nation lost its first war on 19th August 2071. AFPED was not bad but just had no chance to survive in Orbis. On 7th July 2072 I left my position as AFPED-President, dissolved the alliance and Husen-Kurl joined the Soldiers of Liberty. All in all I think that was the right step. [...] And this is where we are now: crime rate at zero, disease rate low like never before and Husen-Kurl in an all out good situation. I know that many of you expect or even demand from me to speak about a certain topic. And I will do that now, let's talk about the happenings of 29th September 2075. First of all, we have finally ended our war and defended a fellow alliance member while also benefiting ourselves. But I know what you  want to hear: The CCP and the nuclear weapons issue. Let me clear this up for you: The CCP is a well-developed plan to bring our nation into a bright future. It ensures efficient expanding of our country and also provides legal responsibilities if the CCP is violated. That was important for me to guarantee the integrity of the government and I am thankful that the SP helped us to write it down into our constitution. I can talk freely about that: I also wanted the plan to be different. A Nuclear program was not even planned when we had our first meetings concerning the CCP. Another project would have made more sense because it would have reduced future costs. But our recent wars have turned my and my advisers' opinions and we reworked the plan and implemented projects regarding our safety. I know it was a huge surprise! But let me assure you: Yes, we have built a nuclear weapon against our long time attitudes. But we still encourage nuclear disarmament and we will only use our atom bombs if there really is no other option any more. Trust me! I also feel uncomfortable with it. [...] But now there is the question how Husen-Kurl will look like in the future. My government and I work hard everyday to debate exactly that. One thing for me is clear: Husen-Kurl will be stronger, cleaner, richer, safer, more stabilized and more developed. I can already see progress coming. We will develop and build new technology, our economy keeps its resilience through its three-sector-structure and we, as Husen-Kurler, will live a prosperous life. [...] This is the end of my speech. Now there is only one thing left that I have to say: Enjoy the parade, have a nice day and also join our event to honor the deceased in the evening! Let's celebrate us, let's celebrate the great nation Husen-Kurl! (crowd cheering)"




Husen-Kurl's flag was hoisted through the whole country. Here it is in front of the President's office building in Lukania where he delivered his speech.








After the President finished his speech, the parades began showing crowds cheering, waving flags, people dancing and singing and a sparkle in the eyes of all the nation's children. When the parades ended after hours with many side events like little sport competitions and music festivals, the  sunset bathed Husen-Kurl in a beautiful, soothing blush. When the last sunbeam vanished, the people in all cities and villages of Husen-Kurl honored and greeted the deceased Husen-Kurler of the past ten years by letting balloons filled with lights rise to the sky. It was an honorable end of rememberable day in Husen-Kurl.


The people in Newstart sending their wishes into the sky. Everywhere in Husen-Kurl people were participating in this beautiful moment.


One day later, on 10th November 2075, the President also attended a military parade at the new founded military station in Husen-Kurl's green hills. When our reporter asked him why he didn't include the military parade into the National Day he answered: " I think that would have been inappropriate. Military parades have a bad image anyway and our goal yesterday was to celebrate our country, not to show how many tanks we have. But I still ordered this small and reasonable military parade today because I think it required that we honor our soldiers who would gave their life for us and the country. I want to demonstrate respect for our military without seeming like a war admirer. Our soldiers don't fight because they hate what is in front of them, they fight because they want to protect what is behind them. That is what we always have to bear in mind and today I will show that to society and the world."

The military parade consisted of mainly short music and walking sequences. Aircraft didn't carry bombs that day but food and candies which they dropped over a little crowd of visitors. At the end of the event the over 400,000 already dead soldiers of Husen-Kurl were especially honored and mourned.

It has been two days of remarkable cheerfulness and togetherness. Let's hope for another glorious 10 years for Husen-Kurl and that this nation will keep the position it has while growing friends all around Orbis!
