Nation Bulletin

Referendum to be held soon on wether to stay in Equal Nations wether to leave

Far-right conservative want to leave the EN, However the president is a staunch supporter of the EN. Could this mean a split in the party?

05/05/2022 04:49 pm
Updated: 05/05/2022 04:49 pm

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Top Headline- Genoa and The EN

With two moments in the spotlight currently, One favored by liberals and The Conservative President, Opting to remain in the EN. While other separatist movements from the political extremes opting out of the EN.

A Referendum on wether to stay or not will be held shortly!


In other news...

Current Polls

 Borrego Approval - 64%

Conservatives Approval - 74%

Question 505 Polls - (Stay in EN)

Stay - 51.9%

Leave - 42.5% 

Policy News...

Parliament Re-opened borders today, all people with the correct documents may leave if they choose.


Posted May 05, 2022 at 8:52 pm

Referendum has been held results will report once all ballots have been counted  
