Nation Bulletin

Rapid changes happening in Husen-Kurl

Parliament passes determining law for the future

By Mark Benobel
05/04/2022 04:09 pm
Updated: 05/04/2022 07:29 pm

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These days are stressful in Husen-Kurl! Wars, Cities, Laws and atom bombs, these words are pervading latest media reports. The government has taken lots of action in the last couple of days, bringing changes no one have expected. Due to the big surprise many people are angry, overwhelmed and stunned, others are celebrating the President's zest for action. What has happened? We will try to sum up the current events.


After over 2 years of peace the war has returned to Husen-Kurl. First, Husen-Kurl was attacked but got help from its alliance and agreed on peace with the aggressor. Then Husen-Kurl for the first time ever started an offensive war to defend an alliance member in return, after this was finished President Lukas Thiele ordered another offensive war to help fellow alliance members on 29th September 2075. This war is ongoing but Husen-Kurl is on the path to victory. Recent polls show that 82% of Husen-Kurler support the governments decision to help out alliance members.


But the greatest development didn't happen on the battlefield but in parliament. On 29th November the parliament finally passed the CPP-plan. The government worked on the plan since the beginning of the year and now brought it to parliament in a bill. The government party was also able to achieve their goal to not only implement the law but also to implement it in the constitution due to support by SP MP's. In the parliament all 50 SPHK MP''s voted for the bill as well as 16 SP MP's while 4 SP MP's voted against it together with the whole Green Party with its 18 seats. The HP has abstained. Therefore, the bill got at least 2/3 of parliament votes and becomes constitutional law. 

The new law itself reads:

13. Teil




City Project Protection Plan


(1)   Dieser Plan regelt das weitere Vorgehen für den Ausbau der Nation in militärischer, projektoraler und städtebaulicher Hinsicht. Er stellt die effizienteste Methode dar, neue Städte möglichst kostengünstig zu bauen, während die militärische Sicherheit weiterhin gewährleistet wird und das Bauen von Staatsprojekten diese Punkte begünstigt. Es ist sich daher streng an den Plan zu halten.

(2)   Der Plan regelt ausschließlich die Reihenfolge der zu tätigenden (Bau-)Maßnahmen, aber nicht deren Finanzierung oder deren Fertigungszeit. Die Beschaffung des Geldes für diese Maßnahmen als auch der Zeitraum, in dem die Maßnahmen getroffen werden, sind von der regierenden Regierung frei wählbar, solange sie die Reihenfolge nicht missachten.

(3)   Verpflichtend ist der Bau von fünf Barracken und 5 Hangars in jeder neu gebauten Stadt.

(4)   Mit neuer Infrastruktur soll in der Regel auch neues Land erkauft werden. Außerdem ist neben der Verpflichtung in §337 Absatz 3 auf einen ausreichenden Ausbau des Militärs, während dem Bau einer neuen oder dem Weiterbauen einer alten Stadt, zu achten.



Stabilität und Rechtssicherheit des CPP-Plans


(1) Um die zukunftssichere Umsetzung dieses Plans zu wahren und somit die zukünftige Entwicklung der Nation zu sichern, wird er im Grundgesetz verankert und ist somit ausschließlich über eine zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit in beiden Legislativparlamenten zu ändern. Dies schließt ständige, die Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft verunsichernde Richtungswechsel aus, ermöglicht jedoch nach wie vor eine Änderung dieses Plans, sollte dies durch bestimmte Entwicklungen erforderlich sein.

(2) Sollte die Regierung im Amt, ohne vorher den Plan über den in §338 Absatz 1 vorgeschriebenen Weg geändert zu haben, ein Projekt bauen, das nicht in die vorgeschriebene Reihenfolge passt, oder eine Stadt anders bauen, als durch diesen Plan festgelegt, so ist dies ein Verstoß gegen das Gesetz und die Verfassung und die Regierung im Amt wird mit sofortiger Wirkung einem Misstrauensvotum ausgesetzt, in dem die Bürgerinnen und Bürger Husen-Kurls per Ja-Nein-Stimme über einen Verbleib in oder eine Enthebung aus dem Amt direkt entscheiden können.

(3) Für ein erfolgreiches Misstrauensvotum, welches eintritt, sollte §338 Absatz 1 missachtet werden und somit §338 Absatz 2 in Kraft treten, ist eine absolute Mehrheit bei mindestens 55% Wahlbeteiligung nötig.

(4) Sollte das Misstrauensvotum erfolgreich sein, so ist die bisherige Regierung im Amt offiziell des Amtes enthoben und es werden spätestens innerhalb von 3 Wochen Neuwahlen für Parlament und Präsident durchgeführt.

(5) Sollte §338 Absatz 4 eintreffen, so muss der Präsidentschaftskandidat der Partei, die den bisherigen Präsidenten gestellt hat, ein anderer sein als der bisherige Präsident, um hier den vorherigen Verstoß gegen das Gesetz aus §338 Artikel 2 konsequent zu ahnden. Außerdem ist es verboten, dass die neue Regierung aus derselben Koalition wie die alte, aus dem Amt enthobene Regierung besteht, insofern diese nicht aus einer einzigen Partei bestand, die auch nach den Neuwahlen die absolute Mehrheit und somit die erneute Regierungszeit geholt hat.

(6) Im Fall von §338 Absatz 5 Satz 2 ab Wort 21 ist jedoch verpflichtend, dass der Präsident ein neuer ist, was durch §338 Absatz 5 Satz 1 gesichert ist, und mindestens die Hälfte der Ministerien von neuen Ministerinnen oder Ministern besetzt werden muss.


which basically means:

13th part




City Project Protection Plan

(1) This plan regulates the further procedure for the expansion of the nation in military, projectoral and urban planning terms. It represents the most efficient method of building new cities at the lowest possible cost, while still ensuring military security and building state projects favors these points. It is therefore important to strictly adhere to the plan.

(2) The plan only regulates the sequence of the (construction) measures to be taken, but not their financing or their production time. The raising of the money for these measures as well as the period in which the measures are taken are at the discretion of the ruling government, as long as they do not disregard the order.

(3) It is mandatory to build 5 barracks and 5 hangars in each newly built city.

(4) With new infrastructure, new land should usually also be bought. In addition to the obligation in §337 paragraph 3, attention must be paid to sufficient expansion of the military while building a new city or continuing to build an old one.



Stability and legal certainty of the CPP plan

(1) In order to safeguard the future-proof implementation of this plan and thus secure the future development of the nation, it is anchored in the Basic Law and can therefore only be changed by a two-thirds majority in both legislative parliaments. This precludes constant shifts in direction that are unsettling for society and the economy, but still allows this plan to be changed should certain developments necessitate it.

(2) Should the Government in office, without first changing the plan through the route prescribed in Article 338, paragraph 1, build a project which does not fit into the prescribed order, or construct a city other than as stipulated by this plan, this is a violation of the law and the constitution and the government in office is immediately subjected to a vote of no confidence in which the citizens of Husen-Kurl vote yes-no to keep in or remove the government from office directly.

(3) For a successful vote of no confidence, which occurs if Article 338 Paragraph 1 is disregarded and thus Article 338 Paragraph 2 comes into force, an absolute majority with at least 55% turnout is required.

(4) If the vote of no confidence is successful, the previous government is officially removed from office and new elections for Parliament and President will be held within 3 weeks at the latest.

(5) If Section 338 Paragraph 4 occurs, the presidential candidate of the party that provided the previous President must be different from the previous President in order to consistently punish the previous violation of the law from Section 338 Article 2. In addition, it is forbidden for the new government to consist of the same coalition as the old government that was removed from office, unless it consisted of a single party, which also after the new elections won the absolute majority and thus the new government term.

(6) In the case of Section 338 Paragraph 5 Sentence 2 from word 21, however, it is mandatory that the President is a new one, which is ensured by Section 338 Paragraph 5 Sentence 1, and that at least half of the ministries are filled by new ministers got to.


In §339 the actual plan is written down. After the bill was passed the government also took immediate action built two cities and a project. And that is THE surprise! The project built was the Nuclear research Facility. For over 10 years of existence (national day in one month) Husen-Kurl has not only condemned the use of nuclear weapons but also stated to never build one by themselves. President Lukas Thiele himself said this multiple times himself in the last years. When we asked about his he commented that he will give answers to that in his national day speech on 9th November 2075 but already stated that nuclear weapons "will only be there for deterrence and as a last option". 

The bill still has a high amount of criticizers just yet. In fact, some members of the opposition party were outraged about the developments. The Greens which fully voted against the bill have released a statement: " We simply had to stand against this plan. It  postpones the address of environmental issues into the far future. Important environmental projects, which the government by the way promised to especially support in this legislature period, are dated at city 18 and 30. This will take years! But we need responsible and sustainable environmental protection now! [...] But tat is only one thing. The other point more worth than mentioning is that instead of building environmental projects, the government built a nuclear bomb! Without previous debate in society, without informing the opposition before and without any doubt, they reserved one of our greatest principles within hours and stunned the people of this nation! We demand to destroy the project! [...]". They also criticized the early dates of building military projects. But that was actually the decisive factor for those SP delegates that voted in favor. Most of them named the fast construction of military projects as their reason to vote for the bill and also commended, which doesn't happen very often, the government for it. But the SP was the only party to not vote as whole for one side. This was due to §338. Some experts speculate that many SP delegates also voted in favor because of this paragraph in which they see a chance to remove the government. But the 4 delegates that voted against the bill name exactly this paragraph as the reason to not support the CPP. One of them gave us an interview and said: " We are the SP. The Stability Party. The Paragraph 338 tries to solve instability with even more instability by replacing the government. I don't know how so many of my colleagues didn't care about that. We will have to debate this again on the next party convention".  

Beside politicians being upset and furious, there also have been a few protest in Lukania, Brackurl and Perlbucht against the nuclear program of the nation. Some of them even demanded Lukas Thiele to resign. But overall, the population seems to support the government and President which is visible in recent polls. When Husen-Kurl was attacked a few weeks ago, the SPHK for the first time since the nation exists had less than the absolute majority and fell to only 41%. Now they are 69,8% which shows new reputation of the government as they didn't climb above 55% in the last 2 years. Meanwhile the SP has won many voters when he SPHK was at 41% but lost them to the SPHK in the last days. Here is the overall poll from 3rd October 2075 compared to the polls when the first war started this year and the election results from 2073:

Sozialdemokratische Partei Husen-Kurls (SPHK) - 69,8% (+28,8%) (+14,8%)

Die Grünen (Grüne) - 19,7% (-1,1%) (-%)

Stabilitätspartei (SP) - 6,3% (-24,9%) (-15,3%)

Freie Liberale Partei (FLP) - 3,8% (-2,7%) (+3,8%)

Hispanic Party (HP) - 0,4% (-0,1%) (-2,0%)

The new party FLP has established itself but still is a little party. The SP has fallen down massively because there no more worries about safety which was a key aspect of the SP program since their foundation. Their voters now went over to the SPHK.


These are the astonishing changes in Husen-Kurl. For now, President Lukas Thiele has the support of the people on his side but the following months can still be hard for him. Let's hear from each other again on our national day where Husen-Kurl celebrates its 10-years existence in month!