Nation Bulletin

The Great Patriotic War of Ulmaka’s

Determination amongst the Ulmaks grow, and resilience builds up against an enemy, not so strong as they originally thought.

By Erna Narnjar
05/03/2022 02:39 am
Updated: 05/03/2022 02:39 am

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The Great Patriotic War of Ulmaka’s


The Working People Strike Back!


The fires, the flames, the cries and children's woes. In the outbreak of war, our Working Republic was far from bring prepared. The invaders marched and brought terror and such into our lands, while claiming to be the liberator. Innocents, slaughtered by the fascists whom call themselves the lord of the proletariat. A true liberator would only target the military of the nation, no? This, is a sign. The fascists wish for a war, where blood will be spilt amongst the innocent. The Ulmish military, now prepared, have marched into foreign lands and captured soldiers. The new policy, the Ulmish army is to kill all enemy military personel. The enemy forces have had their hands separated from their bodies, and their bodies remains splattered on the walls they called home. This has occurred before, and the Ulmish Worker's Republic has fought worse, far  wars than this. Worker's of the land, have joined the military for revenge against the invaders. Their wives, husbands, and even children. All massacred. This war started with mass ground attacks and airstikes against the innocents of Ulmaka, but now the tides have changed. The Worker's Republic of Ulmaka have retaliated against the invaders, and destroyed their cities, slaughtered their armies banded together by the comforts of their dictators, even razed their cities to the ground. The enemy has laughed our comerades, and extinguished their cries with the actions of a bullet. For many Comerades, they are stuck in the period of suffering, whilst more and more, are finding victory in their fight against the bourgeois dictators who have brought conflict to out peaceful lands. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was a peaceful alliance threatened by an upcoming conflict. With the power of Soviet Will, the Working class will prevail, no matter the cost. For the working people of the Soviet Republics, including Ulmaka.. Shall prevail.


