Nation Bulletin

Aureliana turns one year old.

Emperor Deliver's Speech From New City of Agrippina

By Basileous Augustus Flavius Aetius
05/02/2022 08:44 pm
Updated: 05/02/2022 08:45 pm

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"Friends, Romans, Countrymen - this first year has shown us many things. Many of our ideals have been shown to be naive - we live in a world where discussion solves little and the nations who speak the most, their words are empty. So we have spent our words sparingly - mainly to our brothers in Legion. And as our words to the world are now sparse let me be spend them stringently now. We have been through prosperity, we have been through destruction - we will surely have more of each. I am happy to say we are growing steadily - and our newest city brings me hope that our growth will continue through our perseverance, the support of Legion and the blessing of our Gods.  May Sol continue to shine his light brightest, on us truest of Romans" - 

Augustus Basileus Flavius Aetius of the Aurili Romani.