Nation Bulletin


Politics Page

By Dauchh Palki Official Gov. Website
04/23/2022 03:50 pm
Updated: 01/06/2023 09:26 pm

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The Dauchh Palkian Congress Hall, the seat of government in Dauchh Palki



Congress members(link) < work in progress from here


Dauchh Palki's political dilemma is split into two regions with two particularly dominant parties.


DPL (Dauchh Palki Liberation) is the most powerful political party as of February 2078 (July 2022) It has a majority of seats in the Dauchh Palkian Congress (DPC) and a near majority of seats in the South Delarean Parliament. Labour is the second most powerful political party as of same time frame (DPL). The Labour party was historically the most dominant party and won nearly all elections until the 2060's, when Even Dmzri and Harley Buccan won all elections, Buccan serving for one term, and Even Dmzri serving for two terms until losing the 2075-2076 election to Kihansi Haley.

While Labour and DPL have certainly remained the most powerful parties in Dauchh Palki's history, in recent years passing of more representative voting legislature and spread of ideological diversity have lead to the rise of new minorly influential parties in Dauchh Palkian politics.

These parties include: (in order by performance in 2075-2076) Dauchh Palkian election

  • Labour (Kihansi Haley)
  • DPL (Even Dmzri)
  • The Socialist Party
  • The Libertarian Party
  • Workers Union DP
  • New Right DP

Dauchh Palkian Politics

DPL currently holds 276 seats in the Dauchh Palkian congress, an insurmountable lead by all definitions


All seats belonging to their respective parties in the Dauchh Palkian Congress


DPL dominates the political landscape in the Congress, preventing Labour leaders including president Haley from passing legislature that is un-cooperative with DPL agenda. President Haley still maintains large political authority with the ability to issue executive orders. It should be noted that all executive orders issued by the president must be renewed after 1 year by the Congress and cannot be renewed with an executive order. Even Dmzri is the leader of Dauchh Palkian Liberation in Dauchh Palki/Greenich Bay. He is extremely popular within the party and faces relatively little to no opposition from other candidates in the party. Dmzri was the former president of Dauchh Palki for eight years and is looking to secure his third and final term in 2080 for a total of twelve years. DPL Dauchh Palki is a conservative political party. DPL is contrasted by the Labour party, which is a politically left wing alliance focusing on implementation of leftist economic policies.


Labour, the Socialist Party, and Workers Union DP formed the left wing coalition to counteract DPL's political power in 2072 and 2076. This coalition became useless after DPL won the congressional elections started by the South Delarean first parliamentary elections in 2077.

Together the Left Wing Coalition has a total of 201 seats.

South Delarean Politics



Dauchh Palki havos 


Posted October 19, 2022 at 3:29 pm

You need to update

Posted May 07, 2023 at 3:45 am

