Nation Bulletin

Final Victory in World War XXIII!

Following the cessation of hostilities against Haunted Mansion and the United Purple Nations, Falridia remained unbowed and unbroken.

By Jerulas Jubilee
04/22/2022 10:38 pm
Updated: 04/22/2022 10:38 pm

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Across Orbis, tensions still simmer after the defeat of Haunted Mansion and its allies by the hands of the Johnsons and the forces of TFAP. Billions were lost in damages, and millions across the world have lost homes, jobs, family, and safety due to the storm of war which ravaged the world for these intense few weeks. We here at the Jerulas Jubilee were likewise forced out of the public sphere due to intense bombings from the nation of Ficus that brought low thousands of neighborhoods and their inhabitants. Thankfully, the charismatic leadership of our president and the generous rebuilding grants of TFAP have let us rebuild to our pre-war strength.

But despite the storm, Falridia held firm. Due to the wise industrialization policies of the government and the aid of The Fighting Pacifists', Falridia had armored columns and squadrons of jets swarming over the lands of those who would have seen our nation burned. Falridia, as it has done before, has remained undefeated in the storms of war that engulf Orbis. Clock, Syndicate, and now the United Purple Nations could not defeat her, and so she shall remain undefeated. So we shall march into the future with our heads held high. Not with a desire to conquer, but to remain unconquered.