Nation Bulletin

Victory! The United Imperium has Capitulated Dreamistan Successfully in the Conclusion of the Second Delta War

The Details of the Second Delta War and the Aftermath of the Conflict

By Senior Military Correspondent for the Chicago Times Natalie Parker
04/13/2022 09:30 am
Updated: 09/21/2022 05:27 pm

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The United Imperium, FRS, and Igua-Sul have all successfully made it to the capital of Dreamistan, L' Manburg. This capital was once hailed as a shining beacon of progress and prosperity, but oppression and war have turned the city into rubble. The Second Delta War, which began on the seventh of December with the declaration of war on Dreamistan by the Liberty Coalition, has finally ended. The United Imperium and Igua-Sul have left FRS to the occupation of Dreamistan, and are now focusing on dealing with the unexpected backlash of the conflict. Dreamistan attempted to call on aid from the Third Mexican Empire, but even Emperor Pepe's armies couldn't stop the allied coalition's advances through Dreamistan's territory. In other news, the President has officially denied any knowledge of the usage of nuclear or thermobaric weaponry by Igua-Sul prior to their deployment. But to understand how this came about, and what happens next, we need to go more in-depth.

The war really began over three years ago, when Williamsbourg sent terrorists to Igua-Sul, Igua-Sul attacked Dreamistan, and Dreamistan retaliated in kind. The conflict would result in both sides publicly denouncing each other. After this, tensions cooled down, and Dreamistan created a sister football league to the UIFL, called the DFL. Plans for an all-star game between the two nations were never completed. Then, Nationalist Bremen was defeated by Dreamistan, Greater Korea, and a coalition of other nations. The act was hailed as a great victory by most in the international community, including the government of the United Imperium. Soon after, the ultra-chaotic Bush War would result in the official Dreamistani declaration of the use of bioweapons in active combat. Dreamistan then immediately went on to deploy Covid Strain X to spread across the world, wreaking havoc across Orbis. It was at this point that a Civil War in Dreamistan briefly began, but this didn't pan out to much, as the nation was quickly reunited. After reunification, Dreamistan would send Black Ops units to kill Helena Diniz, then-premier of Igua-Sul. It was at this point, in early 2074, that Axolotoland, a former slave state liberated by the Axolotolites, would then decide to falsify evidence of a Dreamistan plot against Axolotoland in order to justify the usage of nuclear weapons against Dreamistan. At this point, Dreamistan began rapid radicalization and went on to advance the capabilities of Hua Labs, before being shut down by the Jungle Storm Coalition, led by La Punta. However, Dreamistan continued to aggressively expand their bioterrorism capacity, at which point the United Imperium decided enough was enough. Following a highly classified summit with La Punta, the United Imperium began drawing up plans for an allied invasion of Dreamistan, dubbed Operation Guns of Freedom. The date for the invasion? November 17. However, weather delays and logistical setbacks pushed the invasion to the 7th of December. With Igua-Sul and FRS invading from next door, the United Imperium troops would first make their landfall on the 8th of December.

So what happened in the war? There were three objectives: Destroy Hua Labs, capitulate The Wok and his regime, and do it all with as few civilian casualties as possible. The war began with a series of airstrikes on air bases and radar installations in Marina Bay, which were intended to cripple the Dreamistani aerial capability and ensure Imperium air superiority. The attacks were successful and managed to effectively defeat any ability of the Dreamistani government to potentially re-establish air superiority. Then, the unthinkable happened: Igua-Sul deployed multiple nuclear weapons to cities in Dreamistan. The President promptly denied prior knowledge of the usage of the weapons, saying "our goal in this conflict is to bring justice to Dreamistan. It was never our intention to burn the nation to the ground. We will continue this war, but we urge our allies to refrain from the usage of Weapons of Mass Destruction". President Lincoln would go on to confirm that no Imperium lives were lost in the nuclear bombings.

The second phase of the war intended to defeat the Dreamistani naval capacity, and cut off their logistical support by blockading them. However, the Governorate of Arnor ambushed the Imperium Navy before it could get to Dreamistani waters, and as a result, the entire Navy (except for 22 ships) was held at gunpoint. Fortunately, a deal and ceasefire were negotiated that allowed the Imperium sailors to return to their homeland. The other 22 ships continued to sail for Dreamistan, undetected. At the second battle of the Amazon Delta, in the former home of Neirotopia, the United Imperium would successfully cut off the jugular of Dreamistani trade and enforce a crippling blockade of the nation. Without resources or weapons, Dreamistani forces (and Mexican reinforcements) found themselves struggling to maintain a coherent war effort. The United Imperium would be the last nation to capitulate Dreamistan, doing so on the 23rd of January. The FRS and Igua-Sul both contributed to the deconstruction of Hua Labs facilities, while the Imperium's ABWTF was responsible for collecting intelligence and forensic data on the Labs. The United Imperium also announced that they will not occupy Dreamistan, and leave that task to the FRS.

The war would take less than two months to finish, and yet the consequences would be devastating: in Dreamistan, many cities were left in ruins from the nuclear bombings, and even more saw considerable damage from the conventional fighting. On the other hand, all members of the allied coalition have been more or less abandoned by friends in the international community, with many condemning the actions of the United Imperium. Here is the chair of the NIEA, General Darren Eisenhower, on the subject:

This war was a necessary one-we tried to reason with Dreamistan, but they refused to cooperate. We tried to create a more humane environment around the world, but they simply would not cooperate. And so, we were forced to fight this conflict. No one wanted this-we were just coming out of a global war and we had just finished up an extremely bloody counter-war for La Punta, and the last thing anyone wanted was more bloodshed. But Dreamistan forced our hand, and to see so many nations ignore this and abandon us in our quest for a fairer and more just world has been disappointing.

Indeed, many nations, including La Punta themselves, have criticized the actions of the allied coalitions. Others have turned their stances around and decided to even support Dreamistan. However, the government will continue to stand firm in their actions. Whether the abandonment of Imperium allies will have dire consequences or not is something that remains to be seen, and we will also have to see how Dreamistan rebuilds in the post-war environment.


Posted April 14, 2022 at 9:54 pm

@DannyA we defeated Dreamistan, which was the goal. That's like saying the US lost the war of 1812 because the White House burned down (unless of course you're into that sort of logical fallacy). The success of the ability to obtain objectives in war determines whether or not it was a victory, not whether an irrelevant sidequest was completed or not. 

Posted April 14, 2022 at 11:00 pm

Tried to reason with us... Never happened.
