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The Hebridean Poetry Chronicles

Excerpt from "Faraway Lands".... A Gaelic poem that takes a mythical approach to describing what it means to live in the north

By The Hebridean Poetry Chronicles
03/31/2022 12:29 am
Updated: 03/31/2022 01:06 pm

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This excerpt was taken from the epic poem "Faraway Lands".... it retells the ancient tale of a group of northern Celts, who lived and survived the remote and almost mystical climate in the Northern Highlands of Scotland. This extract gives a vivid description of the winter landscape at night. 

There is a glittering place... it sparkles a golden rainbow. From treetops they wait... in cloaks and bearskin..... in the night they wake.... swirling beneath the stars. Does thou not cast glances hither... beyond? the land is sombre... twinkling beneath the moon. 

As if a fairy.... had fluttered down.... scattering her ash upon the land....dust of a different kind. It plays and twirls in the silvery light... the magic ointment has embellished this mortal land. 

These wondering folk.. who tremble amidst frosted breath... that plumes like paled blue smoke..... are dazed by that unearthly plain...snow blanket of gold ... silvery and frigid ... a myriad of resplendent jewels. 

yet... who is that?  treading upon that crinkle valley? what opaque thing plods with light and uncaring hoove? it is a northern pony snorting away and breathing ice. chubby and dishevelled crunching upon the glittering flakes.... with crinkle of step... the winter night silence, he interrupts.  


Translated by Lord Gerald Maguire