Nation Bulletin

Republic of China redeploys to Bjein

China goes back to Bjein.

By China Sun News Network
03/24/2022 12:58 am
Updated: 03/24/2022 12:58 am

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With recent shocking news that China's new found trade partner and anti virus ally of Bjein has collapsed into Anarchy.

This was a surprise to many Nations as last time China was deployed in helping with operations the Government of Bjein was seen stable and it requested Chinese forces to leave as the services of the Chinese military were no longer needed, however recent several days ago the government has retreated to several but small safe zones with most other areas of the Country left to fend for themselves, even the military is no longer under control besides a few units inside these safe areas established by the remnants.

While the Virus situation itself has more or less boiled down due to treatments and cures working in turn saving infected people it still remains a threat as it has now gone air born in the area as well as when the government restored control over lost areas it's limited police and soldiers was just too much for the smaller rebellions and mistrust in some areas of the Country.

In a recent vote China will go back into Bjein with 10 divisions, it's goal of the military operation is to help the Bjein remnants and restore control over the Country, as well as get the virus under control.

This choice by the ruling Chinese government dominated itself by the KMT has caused Chang Huang's popularity to go down as well as the KMT to loose some support, The decisions by Chang Huang to pull out of the Country was seen by many as a massive mistake while others pointed out that it was not Chang Huang's fault and that he and the Chinese government were simply respecting the wishes of the Bjein government to have Chinese forces leave.

In a statement by the head of the war department said that 

"The Republic of China and it's armed forces will not violate the independence of other Nations or it's allies, The Bjein government requested that we leave their Country and we did, we respected their independence and their wishes not as a puppet or slave state to China but as a equal, As minister of war i refuse to willfully violate another Nation that is not an enemy or threat to China, for the case of Bjein at the time we saw no reason to stay as well as we were asked to leave, after we looked at the chances of the pull out going wrong we found that the chance of a collapse to be less then 4% as at the time the military and police forces of Bjein were doing good, we did not expect the populace to rise up the moment we left, Bjein was not Afghanistan when the U.S left it the government collapsed, No this government existed for years and only recently had any relations with China, In conclusion we felt that at the time this would not happen, had we not trusted Bjein's government to manage it's own security then perhaps Bjein would not have fallen"

Chang Huang promised the Nation that China will not turn this into China's Afghanistan and he said he will push for a bill that forces China to totally pull out of the Country in the next 2 years at the latest.

Chang Huang said "This will not be a forever war that feeds the military industrial complex, we are not the former United States under the former regime that wore democracy as a skin suit, we are not an imperialist power and we will not throw away generation after generation of young Chinese men to die overseas, we only use our armed forces if needed and i plan to keep it that way as your president, When we went to war with Japan 8 months ago we did so because an ally and trade partner, Chili was attacked, as well as the Empire having claims to our territory and it trying to restore the Qing Dynasty, And when we sent troops to Poland we did so to protect an ally that was illegally overturned by ultra Nationalists and radical socialists that would have sooner or later turned it's eyes towards other independent Countries, After Poland was liberated we left, We did not stay and we did not establish our own puppets, No we let the legal and democratically elected government come back in and we did not do a damn thing to it, While i sadly can't say that Texas today is an ally anymore of China has it sadly feel to literal fascism i could very much say that back when it was democratic and communists rose up in terrorism in Texas we were asked to come in and help and we did, Both for our own selfish reasons of keeping an ally and friend as well as a trade partner alive but the selfless reason of stopping an independent Nation from calling to insanity, And for Tibet we allowed them their independence because it is what THEY wanted.

We will do the same for Bjein, China does not have puppets or slaves, we have equals and friends and partners, Bjein is not our puppet and our goal in Bjein is to not control it but to help it, so long as the Republic of China lives i pray we never violate this principle and became imperialists, but as of today. . . I do not think so, I will also be pushing for a bill that will legally force Chinese troops to leave the Country after the selected time of 2 years, if we are still in the Country after 2 full years and if we completed the mission or failed it by then it matters not, we must leave, i refuse to allow generational warfare like the old U.S regime in Afghanistan that wore democracy as a mask while setting up a colony that also wore democracy as a skin suit"

Chang Huang is currently having issues with support in passing the bill in the Chine Yuan, but currently just as the Soldiers were taking off their boots they are now forced to tie them back up again.

_China Sun News Network