Nation Bulletin

RedBull PM updates nation on war tactics.

PM Relentless speaks live

By Prime Minister Relentless
03/17/2022 09:28 pm
Updated: 03/17/2022 09:28 pm

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Prime Minister Relentless speaks live:


Hello nation of Redbull I have had a lot of questions come through to my desk asking about our alliance and what would we do in the event of a big alliance war. 

Firstly an alliance war leads to the majority of the alliance fighting for victory however there is certain precautions that Redbull will take to help out it's fellow allies. 

As Prime Minister I would begin my support by offering aid resources to help our allie nation craft war materials and defend themselves, this would be followed with some catastrophic sanctions one of which would be a full scale embargo on the aggressive nation. 

A question on many of your minds is, would Redbull declare war in return? I have discussed this with the house of commons and an agreement was reached that in an emergency situation then Redbull may be required to launch a full scale, brutal invasion. This would be a last resort. In terms of us helping the allie by preventing a naval blockade the request would be denied as it will bring unexpected and barbaric war to Redbull. 


Peace is still the motto for Redbull and we are working around the clock to ensure that this motto is kept at all avaliable chances