Nation Bulletin

Chang Huang proposes "The Alliance for humanity"

A new Alliance?

By KMT News Today
03/16/2022 07:44 pm
Updated: 03/16/2022 07:44 pm

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In a recent discussion Chang Huang pointed out that several Nations are fighting the Zrabies virus and the infected hoards independently without team work with other Nations in order for Mankind to defeat the zombie like outbreak, Chang Huang talked about how the Virus is like a cancer, better to fight it early instead of later when it will be much harder to beat.

Chang Huang also said that if mankind does not work together and does not act hard and fast that it could very well cause mankind to march backwards in all aspects form civil  and political rights globally going down hill, to poverty rising, to technological advancements stalling or going towards a more Orwellian style instead of the tec improving and helping mankind, he also pointed out that entire cultures could die out and so many wonderful things that people all over the world would look forward to would cease to exist.

During this speech Chang Huang broke down with emotions and tears and said " I lost enough good friends during the Liberation war, too many people were butchered by Xi Jinping and too many young men were sent back home to their parents in coffins, I don't want any more mothers to burry their husbands or sons nor for Children to grow up in a twisted half dead world where they had less then what their parents had, sniff people. . . Mankind has already stepped back years ago during the collapse don't let it step back again, for Liberty, for wisdom, for happiness, for peace i encourage and call on all rational Nations to join together in fighting this virus, we must work together in defeating this twisted virus or else we will all die alone. . . "

Chang Huang's speech so far has drawn mixed reactions from the Chinese public with some feeling that he was acting weak while others felt that while he was acting emotional he spoke from his heart and acted like a man and a leader and not just another empty suit wanting more money.

Regardless of the politics we at KMT News Today wishes for the best of luck and we wish all our readers in China and outside China the very best of luck and safety.

_KMT News Today


Posted March 16, 2022 at 8:12 pm

It would take a coordinated response to the biological terror threat in order to swiftly curb it. The United Imperium already has an anti-bioweapon task force established, we would be happy to lead the operation.
