Nation Bulletin


The Queen takes her place, once again as monarch... all is well on the Island.

By Peter Finlay. Editor. Author. Interviewer. Stornoway Evening disppatch
03/13/2022 11:05 pm
Updated: 03/14/2022 12:41 am

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And so fellow Islanders... The catastrophe is over and the political chaos put to an end. The Earl of York so very graciously put the matter straight in a few hours of his returning to the islands. In one night he "thwarted" the noble rebellion...Now becoming more commonly known as the Douglas plot..... And after this he successfully persuaded Our Queen to once again take her place as Monarch. We are all so very grateful to him and it is said that the Stornoway pie society are even suggesting that this day be made into a feast holiday... well that will be talk of the town if they succeed in their petition! 

So now you may be asking... what was the damage from the last few days of chaos?

well not much at all really... actually it would seem the island has benefitted from the new laws.

The economic regulations have not been altered and remain extreme right... this had led to a increase in the workers wage dramatically. We have also seen the shift to libertarian social policies... these to have been favoured by the public. As a nation we are quite happy and content with our lot.... but of course we always have been! The changes that we witnessed in the last few days have not been extravagant.. perhaps because there was so little time to change. Therefore only got the portative first waves... it may have been that in the later stages the more negative changes would have been felt. Luckily however Lord Meriwether saved us from our fate! And now we live all happy and calm on our sunny and windy island! 

As for our Queen... How did she take these changes? Well it is clear that Lord Meriwether guided her well on the matter.... she does seem to be a little quiet and there was a some talk she was taken seriously ill....but those are only rumours!

But nevertheless all is well and we as island are as happy as ever... Thanks to The great Lord Meriwether of York... and the best of all the news is .....I have been promoted to the position of Senior Editor!

Peter Finlay. 

The Stornoway Evening Dispatch.

Front image - "Our happy Island"