Nation Bulletin

What will Anarchy mean for The Western Isles?

"I trust the earth and that she will keep me... nature knows no boundaries and that is what freedom truly is"

By Andrew Burton Hammer. The Farmers Gin Club
03/12/2022 03:14 am
Updated: 03/12/2022 06:45 am

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It seems we have come to stage of extraordinary change across our land. I cannot myself as a ordinary Islander understand fully what is going to happen next and how anarchy will effect us... So Therefore I asked Politics professor Harry Roam to Go into some depth on the subject. I'm sure most crofters out there will be very confused on the current happenings. The declaration of anarchy.. the idea of a The gentry class rebelling and the complete rise in the economy has all had us turned upside down. Fortunately  however as you will discover below in the article.. the changes that may be to come (if the rebels do not succeed) may not be as terrible as you could imagined....

-----Andrew Burton Hammer---


Anarchy. A word that most would relate to rioting, thug gangs, lawlessness terror., collapse of economy and eventually collapse of a nation. The word is one that many would compare to complete chaos and a society ruled by the criminal.... and who would blame them for thinking this way? When most of the teaching on the subject in the modern world has very successfully convinced us that Anarchy is the enemy. That somehow the idea of having no government is not possible.  A child in politics class may have at some early stage asked himself "surely the idea of no government is a good thing ... Freedom surely is a good thing" But no... that can't be the case when his textbooks have the picture of anarchy and a violent terrorist group beneath... Having no Government cannot be a good thing when the class assumes that one who believes in anarchy is the extremist.. and the only one. How can it be a good thing when no one else agrees with the notion? So thus we find out culprit... Brainwashing. The same culprit who seems to be behind most political schemes and tyranny's. 

Brainwashing is the most effective method of creating a war, a religion... a way of life for the masses to obey. The Upper realms of permanent shadow government use this tool in all its ways... they do not hold back... How can they when the human mind is so powerful and can be so easily freed from its chains of belief. They must keep at the constant propaganda and fear mongering to keep masses believing in the status quo.  One slip and the child at school may find himself condoning his own belief that Anarchism is indeed a good thing and not what it has been out to be by his peers and the textbook speak.

So why try and distort the view of anarchism to the public? Is is not obvious? If you wished to stay in power over the slaves why let them support at ideology which suggests that things would be better if you did not rule? If they were able to understand the meaning of freedom, then perhaps they would oppose the idea of being belittled and governed by someone else. because in a sense that is what Government is... It is psychological belittling.... It is a way of saying "you are not capable of living"... "You as a individual are not capable of ruling your own life.. you need us to tell you where can and cannot go... what you can and cannot buy... how you can or cannot live.... What are you but a cog in our machine... a uniform in the numbers..... just a slave among the slaves."

This idea comes from all ideologies in politics... Communism, fascism , Conservative, labour... these are all masks on the same face.. the face of the government ... the face of power, If you thought that Marxism was any different to capitalism and cartelism then you would be mistaken. Both ideologies allow for the few to own the majority of the wealth and leave the many dependent on the system. If you thought that it mattered which party won in the election,, then you would be mislead... The political parties answer to one system and obey a single face.. the permeant government ... the puppet master. 

The ideas of pacifism and anarchy are perhaps the only two ideologies worth believing in. Pacifism is the belief in peace and the refusal to participate in war. Another misconception is that in order to have peace.. you must fight for it physically.. The truth is that you cannot end a war by fighting it... you can only end a war by refusing to fight it. War is unjustified and completely unneeded. Humanity was not meant to ever kill one another. This is why during many of the war in our history many men refused to pull the trigger and ran from the army. The British army for example during WW1 killed many for desertion this is tragic as it shows that those brave men who wished to leave the bloodshed were treated with no understanding from the government. War is a insanity and only propaganda and fear will encourage people to support it. So this is why Pacifism is a very sensible way of life.

Anarchism is another very sensible ideology.. when treated in a sensible manner. Anarchism means the absence of authority and control from a state. Our Queen Rosemary declared anarchism 3 days ago... her reasons for doing so were based on freedom. Its seems from the brief speech she gave... that she has faith in the human condition and she truly believes that as a nation we are capable of living without government inference. We have already seen the massive change in the economic policies and social policies of our country... We have now become a libertarian nation with extreme right wing polices. The tax rate has fallen to only 7% and this has meant that the average worker is able to earn more per day. The Government no long plays a role in our economy in any way... and therefore we have seen the human hand forge a stable economy without the need for manipulation. The Queen has stated that she will act as "Guardian" and the only regulations in our country are those that protect minors. The education system is no longer to be supported by the state and this will mean quite a few things... Firstly the average worker does not pay for education in his taxes... secondly due to the fact the private schools are now going to become more established we find education changing and expanding from academic and orderly to free and creative...The school hour are now to become varied and shortened. No longer do children have to study a certain syllabus.... education has indeed become liberated. 

As a nation without a ruling hand we are now free from all societal constrains... only the laws of nature hold authority over us and of course that includes our own sensible nature. The only remaining laws are those under the wing of negative liberty... Such as the child safety laws. The crime laws have been altered dramatically.. for example they will soon support 100% restitution and for more serious crimes..... rehabilitation. The queen believes  that a criminal is not evil and that with the proper assistance .. they can be helped. This is the most argued and controversial of the intended new changes and many in the ancient judicial system are said to be siding with the Gentry's rebellion on the matter. 

what is freedom? how would you define it? it is nature... for that it the most freedom that we shall ever attain on this realm... I walk to the edge of a cliff and sit peering down before me.... waves and rock splutter and foam.. the wind blows my hair far behind me..... It takes but a step and loose chalk to fall from this hilly peak... yet how do I sit here content? It is because I trust the earth and that she will keep me... nature knows no boundaries and that is what freedom truly is"  -Quote from Queen Rosemary's memoirs on her Travels from Southern England. 


The full article is available in the Stornoway Government Pages.
