Nation Bulletin

Election year is government year - the year 2073

The government has achieved all its goals

By Mark Benobel and Carla Florent
03/11/2022 11:26 pm
Updated: 03/11/2022 11:26 pm

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Welcome back to the yearly economic report! After an interesting election, resulting in Lukas Thiele staying in power, the government spokesperson, which remains Stefan Herkamp, was visibly happy when he presented the statistics of 2073. No wonder! The government was able to reach all its objectives this year. Here is the economic report, the polls of the day and also new interesting government announcements as well as President Lukas Thiele's new year speech.


The stable growth objective was reached as the GDP increased from 2,071,510,477$ to 2,410,914,897$ which is an increase by 16,2%. Furthermore the GNI increased from 948,645,220$ to 1,286,517,715$.


A better life quality was reached because the GDP per Capita increased from 1,116.29$ to 1,158.00$ and the Average Income from 2.91$ to 3.16$. 


Environmental protection is the only objective that is reached but has a sticking point. The indicator increased from 4,295 to 4,555 and therefore the objective is reached but technically the pollution increased from 432 points to 457 points. 


And now the big surprise: For the first time since 4 years in which Husen-Kurl got an entire trade deficit of -68,702,654$, Husen Kurl has a positive trade balance. The 600,001$ can't in any way compete with the trade deficit from the years before but the government celebrates it as a step in the right direction. The SP which demanded to stabilize the trade balance is still not satisfied as the exported goods were munitions. " If we keep selling our war industry to our possible opponents around the world, this will mean a huge threat to Husen-Kurl and its citizens!" stated an SP spokesperson. The government appeases: " The whole munitions only got into countries which won't be a threat to our nation. Now we have the money from the exports and positive trade balance and huge military: There is nothing to fear for us!". in 2073 46,000 tons of goods were imported (mainly food, a bit uranium) for a price of 9,249,000$ and 5000 tons of munitions were exported for 9,850,000$.


Beside the governments economic objectives there are the other statistics. The infrastructure in Husen-Kurl increased from 15,000 to 16,000 and land area from 23,650 to 26,000. The military stays at the same power as last year, there was no expansion. The same applies to projects and cities where also no new ones were built. The population still increased from 1,855,539 to 2,081,955. 


The disease rate decreased from 2,71% to 2,18%. The commerce rate increased from 45,85% to 54,20%. The crime rate dropped from 0,29% to 0,00%. It really is true that in 2073 not a single crime has been recorded.


This all results in a score of 1,728.63 which places Husen-Kurl on #3,197(13,67%).


These are the statistics as we know them for years now. But today the government also announced that on the new year press conference there isn't only going to be the economic report but also a view at the governments expenditure of the last year in the next years. The government states how much they spent and in which sector. In 2073 the government spent 39,1% of its GDP (942,667,724$) into different aspects of society. The highest amount went into Education with 16,9% (159,310,845$), the lowest into social policy with 3,8% (35,821,373$). The government spent 10,5% (98,980,111$) for itself, meaning Administration. These are the other expenditures:

Law&Order: 12,4% -> 116,890,797$

Welfare: 12% -> 113,120,126$

Healthcare: 9,4% -> 88,610,766$

Public Transport: 7,9% -> 74,470,750$

Defense: 6,8% -> 64,101,405$

Spirituality: 5,6% -> 52,789,392$

Industry/corporate subsidies: 5,3% -> 49,961,389$

International Aid: 4,9% -> 46,190,718$

Environment: 4,5% -> 42,420,047$

The Greens complain that the government spent the least at environmental protection: " In their campaign they talked about 'moRe eNVirONmeNaTaL prOtECtIOn' which is nonsense because they did noting in the last year although they were in power. These 4,5% are devastating!". That brought even President Lukas Thiele on the watch who said: " Everybody needs to calm down. Husen-Kurl already is a beautiful, environmentally stunning nation. We must avoid to spend taxpayers money where it isn't needed. It is great that we can afford so much for our education system which leads us to a bright future but also healthcare, public transport and Welfare are important for our society. And talking about Public Transport: The Greens shouldn't underestimate the effect the promoting of Public Transport has because it reduces emissions in the traffic sector. The expenditure on Law&Order helped us extremely to reduce crime to zero!"


Since the election there has been no significant change in the polls. The administration starts into its next legislature period and people are waiting for what is to come. These are the polls from January 3rd in comparison to the election results:

Sozialdemokratische Partei Husen-Kurls (SPHK) - 55,0% (-%)

Stabilitätspartei (SP) - 20,6% (-1,0%)

Die Grünen (Grüne) - 20,4% (+0,7%)

Hispanic Party (HP) - 4,0% (+0,3%)


And now here is a big development! In his new year speech President Lukas Thiele announced this: " My fellow Husen-Kurler. [...] This year was by far our best year: The nation is richer, safer and more stable than it has ever been. [...] Today, I am announcing a huge change in our foreign and war policy. Husen-Kurl is a peace loving nation. We defended ourselves against hostile invaders and with an international aid spending of 46 million euros helped other countries to develop and live in peace as we do. We always had the common opinion: Husen-Kurl will never start a war. The principle has been that the military is only there to defend the nation. That remains. But allow me one little change in this sentence: The military is primarily there to defend the nation. You may think 'Why? Are we going to attack someone? How can we give up our values this way?!'. But don't worry, Husen-Kurl will never start a war with an active nation unless it has been obliged by SoL in order of a counter attack. But what we will do is this: From this day on Husen-Kurl will rarely, meaning not more than three times a year, raid inactive nations. In order to make sure that really no one is being attacked in a disturbing way as we consider it, we will choose our targets wisely and with the clear rule that the nation has been inactive for at least 14 days. It hasn't been easy to make this decision, I am always against war, but on the other hand if we don't do inactive raids which are basically not a real war, we give those an advantage who do inactive raids. Furthermore we don't want the resources sticking in these inactive nations to be wasted. I will implement a new council which will overview our "offensive" wars. I want to emphasize that Husen-Kurl still remains the nation of peace and compassion. I hope you will follow me with this new policy. [...] Thank you."


This is overwhelming! There have been serious rumors in the last weeks about some possible policy changes within the government but no one expected this to come! We will provide you with any information on this new policy in the future! So maybe until the new war report or rather until the next economic report! Stay safe and healthy!