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kiwi empire
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The royal Kiwi empire is a nation led by Emperor Laser kiwi on the continent of Australia. The royal Kiwi empire's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The royal Kiwi empire favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The royal Kiwi empire is the Kiwi dollars. At 842 days old, The royal Kiwi empire is an ancient nation. The royal Kiwi empire has a population of 1,983,612 and a land area of 36,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 55.10. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


special gift from katra
Special thanks to all the coven and black skies member who gave me this start.

unretired 1/3/2024  

we believe in the laser kiwi to leads us through the light 


current IA of the coven (high gov)

Joined the coven on the 25 of February 2022

became low gov of IA at 7 of April 2022

became high gov of IA at 27 of June 2022

became low gov of IA at 30 of November 2022 

Left gov of ia at 13 of august 2023

My end of my gov spree. 

I have come back.

Joined luminosity. 1/3/24 Head IA 

Joined Elysium Order 10/3/24 IA person as well.

merge into LoD now a member of it 14/4/24



74.3M net damage (NCD 33.9M) 

won by the coven and aegis alliance                                        

grand advisor Billy is has been killed, first kiwi take over. Here lies sophiana who went on a vacation, deleted and reroll without much of a word thanks, here lies the great vampire lord Cainaan. Turns out the great vampire lord didnt fall but was hiding in plain sight in our hearts. death by snu snu.
In a realm where power and wealth align, Stands Laser Kiwi, leader of the divine. His gaze as sharp as the beams he wields, Guiding his nation through prosperous fields. With feathers reflecting the sun's own light, He rules with wisdom, fair and bright. In his talons, the future securely held, Under his watch, fears are quelled. A symbol of strength, unity, and pride, With Laser Kiwi, greatness will never subside. signed Da boi of smutheland





Basic Information
Nation Name: Kiwi empire
Leader Name: Laser kiwi
Nation ID: 407293
Founded: 02/22/2022 (842 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active 1 hours ago
Discord Username:jakayde21#4342
Unique ID: 0b56eaf797ee313f671375dc8
International Relations
Alliance: Legion Of Dawn Alliance Flag
Herald of Dawn
Alliance Seniority:62 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Beige Protection Bloc
Beige Turns Left: 2 (0.2 days)
Commendations: 58
Denouncements: 17
Nation Page Visits: 9,166
Population: 1,983,612
Infrastructure: 14,359.01
Land Area: 36,000 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 55.10 people/sq. mi
GDP: $1,720,661,146.00
GDP per Capita: $867.44
GNI: $1,060,333,030.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Kiwi dollars
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Liberal
State Religion: kiwi god kiwi god
National Animal: National Animal ImageLaser kiwi
Approval Rating: 0% (-217.52)
Pollution Index: 182 points
Radiation Index: 357.94 R (Global: 483.61 R)
OBL Team: kiwis
Nation Rank: #3,181 of 13,060 Nations (24.36%)
Nation Score: More Information 2,272.86
War Policy: Help Arcane Arcane Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 125,436.27
Infrastructure Lost: 73,241.00
Money Looted: $379,159,661.53
Wars Won: 208
Wars Lost: 42

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

17 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
06/06 04:33 am - kiwi empire declared war on Greater Japan for the reason of "pew pew".
06/06 04:33 am - kiwi empire declared war on The State Of Eden for the reason of "pew pew".
06/06 04:32 am - kiwi empire declared war on Mithalanchal for the reason of "pew pew".
06/06 04:32 am - kiwi empire declared war on Grelandia for the reason of "pew pew".
06/04 07:30 am - kiwi empire has publicly commended the nation of New Zealand led by Logan Smith.
06/02 11:57 pm - Discombobulated of dumbasslandia has publicly denounced the nation of kiwi empire.
06/02 11:52 pm - kiwi empire has publicly denounced the nation of dumbasslandia led by Discombobulated.
06/01 04:26 pm - Lachlan of Lachland has publicly denounced the nation of kiwi empire.
06/01 08:58 am - kiwi empire declared war on Lachland for the reason of "Pew pew ".
06/01 05:36 am - kiwi empire changed their Color Trade Bloc from Gray to White.
05/31 10:59 pm - kiwi empire declared war on Vergil for the reason of "no war dodging".
05/30 10:25 am - kiwi empire declared war on The Sultanate of Barbarossa for the reason of "pew pew".
05/29 02:10 am - kiwi empire declared war on Kanada for the reason of "pew pew".
05/28 10:40 am - kiwi empire declared war on Preussen for the reason of "pew pew".
05/28 09:26 am - kiwi empire declared war on Costa Varos for the reason of "pew pew".
05/27 08:30 am - kiwi empire declared war on Iron Hills for the reason of "pew pew".
05/26 04:02 am - kiwi empire declared war on The Republic of Texas for the reason of "pew pew".
05/26 04:01 am - kiwi empire declared war on The Great Swamp for the reason of "pew pew".
05/21 09:16 am - kiwi empire had war declared by Democratic Republic of Benga for the reason of "Dead men taste like chicken.".
05/18 12:12 pm - kiwi empire declared war on Elementia for the reason of "Pew Pew".
05/18 03:04 am - kiwi empire declared war on Astropia for the reason of "WE ARE ALL FARK EH (PEW PEW)".
05/18 12:32 am - kiwi empire had war declared by Nanami Island for the reason of "Active Raid, DM for war.".
05/18 12:11 am - kiwi empire had war declared by Valxainia for the reason of "Raid".
05/18 12:10 am - kiwi empire had war declared by Manetheren for the reason of "*Pirate noises intensifies*".
05/17 12:28 am - kiwi empire has publicly commended the nation of Butlandion Era led by Ashton Rowe.
05/16 11:22 pm - Ashton Rowe of Butlandion Era has publicly commended the nation of kiwi empire.
05/15 06:38 pm - kiwi empire had war declared by Phyrexia for the reason of "Your nukes, as requested".
05/15 08:29 am - kiwi empire declared war on Autapolis for the reason of "LoD counter pew pew".
05/14 02:53 am - Lim Jayhe of Republic Of Terlandia has publicly commended the nation of kiwi empire.
05/13 08:35 am - kiwi empire declared war on Nanami Island for the reason of "For LoD pew pew".
the laser kiwis revolutions

revolutions of the laser kiwis

For the first time the kiwi empire has fallen in debt

The kiwi empire debt

new friendship with ANZAC

The trade deal with ANZAC

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
6 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.
Propaganda Bureau
Propaganda Bureau is a national project that increases your military unit recruitment rate.
Urban Planning
Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $50,000,000.