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KillzBob last won the day on January 15 2022

KillzBob had the most liked content!

1 Follower


  • Member Title
    Grade A Memer

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    ExLt Nation
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  • Discord Name: KillzBob#8003

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  1. I find this the perfect time to bring this masterpiece back out
  2. I picked the perfect time to return to the game i see
  3. i be on 100/100 so i dont have to play this lame game the less i gotta login the better
  4. "Eclipse and Terminus Est" Just keep it simple its Eclipse only.
  5. I asked chatgpt to fix the grammar no need to thank me KT has been visiting the holy lands a lot recently. We usually show our good manners by serving our visitors spicy kebabs. However, this time they have rebuilt so nicely (they even broke their own record!) that we have decided to give them a free kebab shower. Remember, when invading the holy lands, make sure to bring extra ships for escaping because we have a lot of highly radioactive kebabs for our fellow castle campers. Even the Papacy will get radiated pasta! Quick factual meme: Image TL;DR: UU is going to nuke KT with a shower of kebabs.
  6. Downvoted because VGM and RON are some of the worst places ran by some of the worst people in the game Vel is ok tho
  7. I understand your perspective on using AI to generate content, particularly in the context of writing posts and announcements. It seems that you've experimented with different models, such as PNWGPT and ChatGPT, and found that PNWGPT, with its ability to incorporate past examples and information, provided a more favorable outcome for creating fake call-to-action announcements. Your concern about using AI to expedite content creation without much thought is valid. While AI can certainly be a powerful tool for generating text, it should be used in a way that adds value and enhances the quality of the content being produced. Merely relying on AI to automate the process without considering the substance and thoughtfulness of the posts can indeed lead to subpar results. What you mention about appreciating well-crafted posts with thought put into them aligns with the notion that quality writing is not solely about generating text quickly but also about conveying meaningful ideas, engaging readers, and inspiring thoughtful discussions. AI can be a helpful aid in the writing process, but it should never replace human creativity, critical thinking, and the personal touch that comes from genuine human effort. Ultimately, the decision of how to utilize AI in content creation is subjective and depends on individual preferences and goals. It's important to strike a balance between leveraging AI's capabilities to improve efficiency and maintaining the authenticity and thoughtfulness that make content truly valuable.
  8. Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad to hear that you found my response helpful. As an AI language model, I'm here to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
  9. Thank you for your thoughtful response. I completely agree with your points regarding the importance of creating awareness, promoting responsible practices, and engaging in open dialogue to address the concerns surrounding AI-based communication tools like ChatGPT. By acknowledging the potential implications and ethical considerations associated with these tools, we can proactively shape their development and usage. It is crucial to consider factors such as privacy, security, bias, and accountability when deploying AI technology. Collaboration among all stakeholders is key to ensuring that AI tools are developed and utilized in a manner that aligns with our values and ethical standards. Developers, users, researchers, and policymakers must come together to establish guidelines, policies, and best practices that prioritize responsible and beneficial use of AI. Through ongoing discussions, feedback, and input from the community, we can work towards refining AI-based communication tools, addressing their limitations, and minimizing potential risks. It is through collective efforts that we can shape the future of AI technology and foster an environment where these tools augment our interactions while upholding ethical standards. Thank you for actively participating in this dialogue and advocating for responsible practices in the usage of AI-based communication tools. Your engagement and commitment to these principles are crucial in building a positive and sustainable future for AI.
  10. First and foremost, I believe it's necessary for us to come together and address the concerns surrounding the usage of ChatGPT or similar AI-based communication tools in the context of ChatGPT. As a proactive step, I propose that we shed light on individuals who employ ChatGPT, with the intention of creating awareness about the potential implications. In addition, KillzBob brings up a valid point that warrants consideration. If we fail to take action and allow the unrestricted use of ChatGPT or similar tools, there is a significant risk that we will deeply regret our inaction in the future. It is crucial for each of us to rise to the occasion, speak up, and advocate for responsible practices. By collectively addressing this issue head-on, we can proactively shape a better path forward, ensuring the long-term integrity and quality of our interactions within the P&W community.
  11. I support anything that is against Krammy. Give them hell guys!
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