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    Cannibalistic Kit-Kat

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    Black Knights

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  1. how dare u defy zoot woot. how dare uuuuuuu
  2. Ooo. But wouldn't the effect be different now since we no longer use foot-soldiers are our primary weapon of war? nuclear weapons, missiles, drones, etc... require a lot less people to operate and, since the government would regulate birth and population control, there wouldn't be a gender gap, right? mah head is dying from thinking o.o
  3. I dunno, if they're not contributing to society, then we have to make them contribute? Like, if we don't give them these incentives, then they won't do anything; pushing them to do good things like helping out the community, doing their best in work and productivity, etc... would really force them to do good! I don't understand how it's sick or screwed-up? I mean, it kinda makes sense and, in the end, the children get a home, people do what they need, and the community continues to thrive with a working labor force? I mean we wouldn't have to worry so much about inherited diseases anymore, there would be less crime, and the conditions are only for bad, bad people (like consequences for bad behavior --- everyone does it in any country!) ooo that makes sense! i guess we need a lot more research until we do something like this (although i still think a lower population is better since it's more manageable)! i kind of agree with you on the point that this isn't the best model to run a nation on considering the flaws that come from us not knowing enough and people acting in their own self-interest. thanks for your help in, like, explaining this to me Auctor! ur now promoted to 'good friend' in my notes! *hugs*
  4. So people only want to raise their own biological children and are abusive / hate taking care of others? (I'm kind of paraphrasing here, please tell me if I got the wrong thing out of your words!) If it's biological (a psychological problem resulting from the environment / one's physicality) then it would definitely be influenced by genetics (right?)! I feel that this could be solved by eugenics too; just euthanize people who aren't able to keep up psychologically and, slowly, a stronger breed of humans would eventually grow! Or maybe only qualified, interested people could apply to make a child and, if they die, the child would be reassigned to voluntary care-givers? The voluntary care-givers would be faced with punishment, heavy monitoring, and stuff! OHMIGOD, IMAGINE A CASTE SYSTEM! Everyone would have to do what they're best at to contribute to society and, if they fail, they get euthanized or made into breeding stock for better children. Every generation, the country will be more prosperous and the people more happy! Everyone wins! And, if there's a surplus, we can always just select the best and brightest to raise and euthanize the others. It's flawless (kind of)!
  5. ooo, why would people not want it done? it's for a good cause, right? and your genes aren't really important anyway (it doesn't, like, make your child you in anyway; just how they look and their deficiencies). it's like giving blood at one of my school's blood-drives; you don't think about making babies or about the blood flowing through your veins every single day (it's not very important) and donating your blood is okay; why wouldn't sterlizing people be okay? we have too many people anyway (everyone always talks about too many orphans, or too many people like in china, or too many homeless or something) so wouldn't it be okay? i hear about fertility clinics in the radio sometimes and i know about surrogate moms and stuff. why don't sterile people just adopt (i hear a lot about how infertile people can't have babies so they adopt and they're all happy or something, so genetics and blood relation isn't that important)? also, if morality is subjective, then why does everyone say 'it's right' or 'it's wrong' in a debate or something? wouldn't the answer be like schrodinger's cat: it's right and it's wrong at the same time??? oh god, my brain is confused. it hurts. sorry i'm, like, asking so many questions. i really like learning stuff and learning about how people think!
  6. ooo, uhm, but why is it wrong? i don't understand everyone telling me that what i say is 'unethical' or 'immoral'. I just don't get why it's wrong to do? It's so confusing and I really want to understand ;(
  7. wat's wrong with marriage prohibitions and sterilization? if you prohibit minority groups from reproducing, then you won't have racism since there's no other race to hate. if you prohibit people with mental or physical disabilities from reproducing, future children will have less of a chance from inheriting mental and physical disabilities? if you prohibit people with low IQ scores from reproducing, then you'll reduce the risk of inheritable mental retardation? What's wrong with not letting criminals and deviants to reproduce? They committed a crime so why should they be able to reproduce? I'm not criticizing you or anything, I'm just generally confused as to why it would be bad? i confused ;(
  8. wait, wat's so wrong about eugenics and euthanization? like, i know that you wouldn't want to kill a person yourself (since some people don't like that cause of personality differences) but it's logical and it makes a happier, better population (creating the most adapted humanity to their environment)??? Also, I consider myself Super Left and Liberal! Only problem is that dumb political alignment test / scatterplot thingy (idk wat's it called), keeps on putting me on the authoritarian/josef-stalin side of the scale everytime i take it ;/ i dunt like josef stalin. i like helping people cause it's fun
  9. You guys are silly xD I really believe the Communism (the theoretical form introduced as a way for social equality and stuffs) is a good thing but it's not currently achievable (maybe in the future)! I don't think it should be an anarchy cuz people, so im introducing the Lyre-modified version of communism! (I think communism, in its purest form, could be an utopia but i dont like it cause that's boringggg) -> We get robots and machines to replace the government since they're unbiased, completely logical, and will fulfill their directives without compromise. It doesn't have to be complex, Matrix-style AI --- maybe just simple robots that do simple things in a factory-like fashion. No human elements like politics and foreign affairs --- just pure mathematic computations designed to achieve, at minimum, livable conditions for the population. -> Equal distribution is only possible with infinite resources or enough for a certain population cap. -> Euthanization and selective breeding (eugenics) is pretty much necessary for the happiest, largest population possible (as we'll come across a problem of living space and the best way to avoid that is to euthanize a surplus population and, for the remaining people, develop a eugenics program for dumbed-down humans like canine and feline breeding). -> People will have to be dumb in the way that they don't question things. Humans naturally strive for power and, in a truly equal society, that must be rooted out in case of corruption. -> A perfect 1:1 gender ratio will be established for selective breeding purposes and nuclear family units. This will be done through euthanization (yearly, through population census). -> People will all have equal civil rights and personal freedoms. People don't need to work; they just need to survive by being fed daily, housed in healthy conditions, and basically breathe. Simple. ^^^^ that's my idea of perfect communism! if there's a problem, just kill it. problem solved! it's so simple and it makes sure more people could survive! pretty boring tho. You can bend it a bit for arts and stuff but that would defeat the equality of everything: in intelligence, talent, and whatnot.
  10. Fraggggle, post moar of wats happeninggg... i need drama! im like dying from all this SAT prep man, i need dis.
  11. ooo WisdomTree, join the Church of Zoot!
  12. because u care about people and are a humanitarian, wisdom ^0^ *pat pat* i like u
  13. Zimbabwe has rules and RAAD has moral-rules tho. What I'm talking about is unrestricted, painful violence! I think that, if humans are free to act on their desires for hurting others, then we'll be happier (since everyone who's a victim would be dead). The constant threat of life and death makes all of us really enjoy life, living in the moment in a hedonistic lifestyle, experiencing thrilling joys unobtainable in modern life (something that small organizations like RAAD won't be able to afford). Even countries like Iraq and Iran are boring in comparison to unlimited violence since people are still stifled --- they're scared to embrace their own desires. I know it kind of sounds crazy (my friends irl kind of tell me that a few times when I accidentally get into this whole monologue) but I'm really passionate about this and I think that, if everyone abandons the concept of community and country (like Zimbabwe), we can have a short, enjoyable life of thrills and fun! Filled with pain and hopelessness and excitement! My grandparents had always told me that a person is "made out of experiences" and I think that people can become more fleshed out, rounded characters with enough tragedy and despair. Imagine it Wisdom! A world where everyone can feel their heart racing instead of waiting idly for hours out of a day, bored out of their minds. A world just like ones in the novels and movies; where crime isn't somewhere far but near, and the plot twists where you can either be a victim or a perpetrator. It's like a fantasy theme park, a real-life MMORPG, a world that can be whatever you want! And if you get bored of it or tired of it, you can just go out in a BANG and then you'll just sleep forever, maybe in the afterlife, maybe not, satisfied and content with living in this world already and enjoying the next one (or just sleeping it off). Plus, if religion is real, then you won't be lonely in Hell or the Underworld, or Purgatory, or anything, because everyone will be there! You can have the best of both worlds!
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