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    In the days following the DGSE intelligence gathering in Kiev, Ukraine had shipped tons of chemical and conventional weapons to Khaled Al-Asad. The DGSE Desk in Koenigsberg served as the base of operations for all Eastern European clandestine operations. The Eastern European desk deemed Al-Asad a risk, and liability calling for his immediate termination alongside Imran Zakhaev. 

    President Laurens signed Directive 717, formally authorizing the DGSE to terminate Al-Asad by all means necessary. The DGSE Chief of Mission in Cairo had been using Egyptian military servers to track Al-Asad, who was on the Pharaoh's radar since Laurentia had fed the Egyptians intel he was planning a coup. Prime Minister Lang visited Cairo in an off the books meeting with Ambassador Cartiza and Station Chief Gonzales. When speaking to the two, it was clear the intention of Laurentia for any future regime change in Egypt. “In the land of snakes and liars, it takes a spark to light a fire”. Prime Minister Lang set a clear policy to terminate Al-Asad, personally handing Directive 717 to Maria Flores Gonzales, Station Chief for the DGSE in Cairo. 

    For Laurentia, the strategic nation of Egypt stood not only as a crossroad between Arabia and Africa but as a pivotal region in which superpowers fought over control and ensuring dominance. While Britannia and MoG[Corp] had spent millions in blood and tears, Laurentia had spent thousands in clandestine operations. Infiltrating the Interior, Defense, and Foreign Ministries, having the Pharaoh's personal advisors on their payroll, Laurentia’s tight grip on the Egyptian Government gave it exclusive economic opportunities, but it left Laurentia uniquely vulnerable. The Pharaoh’s enemies were many, and his violent crackdowns left Laurentia with a badly tainted leader. However, for the time being, so long as Egypt did not deviate from Laurentia’s policy of mutual cooperation, and exclusive trade deals involving Oil, Minerals, and access to use the Suez Canal. 

    On November 14, Khaled Al-Asad, an unemployed veteran of the Egyptian War of Independence and leader of a small community annexed by Pharaoh Anubis and fourteen of his close deputies met at the Rose District of Cairo. Under the secrecy of night, the deputies and Khaled were set to discuss their discontent and their planned operations to destabilize the pharaoh and his government. Adjacent to the building, members of the Laurentian Special Operations Group MARSOC positioned themselves to terminate Al-Asad. With two sniper teams on opposite roof tops and a fire-team on standby inside a coffee shop, Al-Asad and his deputies exited their vehicles. 

    When Al-Asad exited his vehicle, confirmation by Rogue-Two was followed by a deafening sound. 

    “Rogue-One, Whiskey-Tango is down. I repeat, Whiskey-Tango is down.”

    “Rogue-Two, confirm we got Tachnaka” 

    “Rogue-Two, This Bandit. Be advised, can you confirm. Tachanka is down ”

    “Rogue-Two, confirm we got Tachanka” 

The Snipers packed their gear, leaving behind an Egyptian Sniper kit, as they jumped to the opposite rooftop. The DGSE fabricated Egyptian Special Operators, leaving small personal affections such as notes and Egyptian perfume scents. Al-Asads men grabbed the body and tossed it into the black vehicle as they sped off. 

State-News Channel.

    Breaking News in Cairo, I am Fatima El-Sheik and this is Sky Egypt. 

    “His glorious pharaoh Anubis launched crippling attacks against extreme elements of known traitors and foiled an attempted coup attempt on the Pharaoh and the glorious people of Egypt. Khaled Al-Asad and his supporters have paid the ultimate price for their high treason. Let it be known, the Egyptian people, cannot be fooled by deceptive foes lurking in the shadows beneath man.”

    The Laurentian Council of Minister gathered in the Presidential Cabinet Room. National Security Advisor Élisée Solé and Director of the DGSE presented the newsreel. “The Egyptians seem to have the situation under control. Our assets in country are unharmed by the failed coup attempt. Our Ambassador spoke with the Pharaoh who pledged to personally crack down on any dissidence.” Rosemarie stood up, “Thank you Élisée and Mistral. The rest of you are dismissed, I’d like to speak to the National Security Council.” The other Ministers departed, only the Foreign Minister, National Security Advisor, Defense Minister, CEMA, DGSE, and Prime Minister remained. “Now, Élisée, inform us the plan.” “NSC, The DGSE has already reported a spike in #NFG, and #Al-Asad, and #Liberty. The people see Al-Asad as a martyr, we hope to capitalize on this and put Ibrahim Ibn Murahi as a revolutionary leader. Our Assets are feeding the Pharaoh false intelligence, we hope to have him crack down hard on his people and spark mass riot. With enough reason, the people will revolt. Murahi would become next President, and the current defense minister would be Vice President.” I sat down, “Thank you Élisée, Mistral. Do you have anything to add?” “Madame President, in the coming days we can expect the Military and State Security Forces to launch violent crack-downs on protestors and those they deem as Al-Asad supporters. With this level of planning, we can only push both sides not force them into a conflict. I strongly believe Al-Asad could have been a valued asset. However, I abide by the order of my President. Our Defense Advisor to the Pharaoh has informed him of a chemical stockpile of Al-Asads in El-Amesia, he is expected to launch a missile strike on the compound. This attack will happen at night, minimizing casualties, but the building is, in reality, a school. This attack will anger the El-Amesians who are the hearth of Al-Asad and his supporters.” “Thank you all, I would like a briefing on any overnight developments. I’d also like to speak with the Egyptian Ambassador and offer our support during these unfortunate times. You are all dismissed, have a great evening.”

OCC: [Please Note, Consent has been given by all parties. Small changes may be made, this is a working progress.]

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