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Hard Sells and Chemical Spells


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MoG[Corp]'s !Xu structure had led to some interesting effects, the lower levels gradually became less policed and effectively had their own local governance within each building, the corporation had no issues with this so long as excessive murder or slavery didn't take place. On the other hand, some of them still held strategic value. Jade Woods Tower was one in particular, right on the coast overlooking Robben Island, the buildings closest to the coastline were generally the best security available, with the exception of the Jade Woods.

Gwen Hendriks had lived through the dramatic changes to The Cape that MoG[Corp] had seen fit to bring about, and while she had started off as a prostitute she quickly used her charms to work her way up the criminal world's chain of command, eventually starting her own gang, The Fallen Hearts. A mostly female gang, they were ruthless towards any who preyed upon the weak, and had amusingly gotten a robin hood reputation, stealing from the wealthy elite and MoG[Corp] and providing the spoils to the less fortunate in their building. Most of the arcologies had perhaps 20% of the building under control of gangs, Jade Woods on the other hand managed nearly 100% control by Ms. Hendriks. Such an important building had meant a delicate handling of the situation, and it was decided to arrange a meeting between her and the CEO personally, to be held on one of the Arcadia levels, indoor forests to allow the air filtration systems to be closed to the outside world.

With only two female Replicants armed with P90, Mogar had arrived at the elevator to take him up to the floor with the meeting place, unsure of what to expect but assuming it would be more interesting than the daily drudgery that running the corporation had turned into.

Gwen waited for Mogar semi-impatiently. His reputation preceded him and many closest to her cautioned her with regards to their meeting. She tugged ever so slightly at her skirt and straightened her tailored jacket. Appearance is everything. And to give the appearance of diplomacy she carried no guns, but kept a small knife concealed within her boot in the event issues were to arise. She greatly hoped that nothing should occur. To even wound him slightly could be a mistake. She gazed around her, assessing how impressive the atmosphere alone might be to Mogar. Gwen knew she had to keep the upper hand at all time throughout this meeting for her reputation had also preceded her. She wondered what he must think of her, and for a second felt a stab of anxiety. Her nerves stiffened as the elevator doors opened. Drawing her shoulders square and keeping her chin parallel to the floor, she reached one arm out in a gesture of welcome, yet unsmiling, and directed Mogar towards a patio style table with four chairs around, by all appearances it would not be out of place in someone's backyard.
With a simple gesture one of the two bodyguards providing a small messenger bag, containing two glasses and a large bottle of Soju, 106 proof rice wine. pouring both of them a glass he gave his counterpart a smile, savoring the tension in the air.  "I assume introductions are unneeded here, but it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I'd also guess that the guards were unneeded but I can't go anywhere without a few unless I want to be lectured by my head of security staff. Your own reputation is quite impressive, normally those who get involved in the gangs do so out of simple greed, to have someone do so out of altruism is a pleasant surprise. As I am certain you are aware, n
ormally those in your position would find themselves assassinated or otherwise forcibly removed, but your story caught my interest enough I feel a parley is in order. I require this building and those surrounding it to be secure, as I intend on opening a few resorts to foreigners, can't have them wandering into dangerous situations and then telling a bad story to their homeland."

Gwen's eyes narrowed, though she reached for the offered glass and smiled ever so slightly. It was difficult not to feel ever so slightly honored by the praise offered. "I suppose I should consider that more of a warning rather than a threat." Shifting in her seat, she crossed her legs and enjoying a sip of wine. "If this is our negotiating table, what exactly do you want me to do? I am an agreeable woman, Mogar. However, I have worked very hard for a very long time. That kind of ambition must carry some weight with you, given how much you've accomplished and plan on completing in the future. Perhaps an agreement could be reached? I do not want this relationship to turn ugly, we both know that it can."

​He raised his glass to clink against hers, "To some type of ship, at the very least." he said before taking a large swig of the drink, "I wish for us to come to an understanding, if not friendship then at least a partnership. I don't particular care about criminal activities beyond human trafficking and explicit murder, something we share opinion on. I am willing to provide a level of sustainment and support for those under your control, supplies, money, weapons. In exchange however attacks against corporation operations must cease, and in addition public crime must also be eliminated within your realm by whatever means you deem needed. If you are willing to agree to such a bargain our security forces will no longer patrol areas you control, and I don't think I would mind you expanding your territory to the surrounding buildings, so long as you ensure the safety of those whom are under my employ."

Tilting her head in a slight nod of agreement, Gwen places her glass down and leans forward into the table. "You've given quite a generous offer, Mogar. Or at least is appears as such. You offer us sustainment, but how sustainable is this offer truly?" Shifting yet again, Gwen uncrosses her legs and reaches down to ensure her knife is easily accessible. Straightening herself back up and staring straight into the eyes of the powerful leader she lowers her voice "Let us talk about exactly how much you're willing to give. Let's be honest here, my attacks are the evidence of what I am capable of taking, and if I can take more than you're capable of supplying, then what exactly is my incentive? I feel an authentic discussion about the dollars and cents of the deal is necessary to proceed."

​Finishing the glass in front of him and pouring another, being half machine had its downsides, and alcohol being easily filtered and thus having only a minor impact of sensation compared to a mortal was one of them. Taking a sip before he continued he admired the woman in front of him, likely knowing far more about her backstory than she realized, to come from such a low and reach where she had must have taken an impressive amount of balls, let alone the risks. "What exactly do you have in mind here? I can provide nearly whatever you wish, so long as you can acknowledge who you answer to. Other gangs in this area of The Cape tend to be less agreeable to negotiations, we can provide intelligence that would allow you to remove your rivals at a minimal cost for yourself. I merely wish to have this section of the city secure, and the cost of actual security is likely far more than it would be to provide you with the means to do the same."

Gwen felt ever so slightly taken aback, could he be telling her the truth? Taking another sip of the wine, enjoying the taste more this time as it flowed past her lips, she relaxes somewhat. "The intelligence is quite a perk to this arrangement, as it benefits the both of us. It ensures your security as well as mine. To ensure safety I will require guns and ammunition regularly. As you've just stated, the other gangs are more rough around the edges, they need a firm hand. Though I'm fully capable of raiding the stockpiles of my enemies and gathering more than enough, not having to work so hard to ensure my girls have enough weapons to protect themselves would be quite appreciated, especially if I'm to provide my services more broadly. Also, if I must cease all attacks on your corporation, I will indeed require supplies. Enough to guarantee the safety and livelihood of those I already administer assistance too, a feat I am quite proud of and do not intending on stopping any time soon. In exchange I would be quite willing to keep this area secure." Once again reaching for the glass, Gwen touches the glass to her lips then continues "In the event one of us should break our agreement, what consequences are in order? And what in your eyes might possibly destroy this alliance?"

​Mogar sat amused at her questions, far bolder than most in her position would ever dare to be, before he took a long draw from his own glass, contemplating how truthful of an answer to provide. "I can admit any break of the contract would likely not end up with me showing up at your doorstep, cruise missiles or a drone with a chain gun to wipe out every heat signature on whatever floor we believed you to be. But I shall be clear here, I believe you are a woman of your word and one who realizes the potential benefits of this alliance enough to not betray any deal we agree to, as such I would have no intentions of breaking an agreement, unless your syndicate were to be killing tourists or my own employees, the occasional mistake regarding MoG[Corp] employees could be overlooked, but the tourists are a firm deal breaker, we need them to be safe to ensure the stable profits that the tourism benefits would bring to our territories." He took another drink before continuing, "The real question is how powerful do you wish to become? What I am offering would allow you to eventually become the second most powerful person within The Cape. Someone with your level of ambition would have no trouble reaching that point, and I do not mind allowing that to happen so long as you respect the few limitations I have asked of you."
Edited by Mogar
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Rimming the glass with the tip of her finger, lowering her eyes towards the table Gwen carefully contemplated his words. It was not much to ask especially given her virtues. Unreserved killing was not tolerated, even if done by those within her company. Finishing the glass, Gwen says "I could abide by that. Inherently what you ask of me should never become an issue. Though I am to keep this area safe. Should a time arise where one of your foreigners is causing issue, which of us shall neutralize the situation? By what force shall be allowed if that job should be bequeathed to me? Though I do stand to gain a fair amount of power, I do understand you could just as soon break me." Shoulders relaxing against the back of the chair, Gwen tucked a long lock of her brown hair behind her ear, and gazed at the man staring back at her.

"Along with the guns and whatever, I could provide devices that would easily identify foreigners since they are mandated to carry RFID chipped passports from their time of arrival to departure. This should allow your associates to take a more gentle approach. While I can't expect flawless discipline, it should allow you to send them back to the areas where my own security forces patrol without having to resort to too heavy of violence, getting into a fistfight in another county occasionally happens, but being murdered leads to more of a mess. I normally attempt to avoid direct communications with those in your field of employment, but your particular set of morals struck me as one of a kindred spirit." He paused, the multiple bodyguards Gwen had brought began behaving strangely, enhanced hearing allowed him to pick up laryngophone communications, and they had noticed their boss's change in behavior, and appeared to be deciding whether or not to enact their fallback plan of murdering him.

Gwen noticed Mogar's demeanor initiate a change and began scanning the area for the source of irritation that had spread across his face. Her eyes found the source almost instantly. Her guards were setting up formation for assassination. As she began to stand up she noticed that her drink had clouded her thoughts and humbled her body. An assassination would completely null any agreement so far made and his vast array of resources would then be used to annihilate any and all members of her group. Incapable of moving quickly enough to stop the formation Gwen shoved the table to its side and screamed "Mogar, get down!" His guards now on alert stood to either side of the table. Gwen turns towards her comrades and yells "To kill would mean death to all." Feeling more weak as her remaining energy expends quickly, she lowers her voice "To make peace with the way things are will mean a sustainable life. This is not our day to die. Fall back."

Turning back to Mogar, her chest rising and falling in a rapid pace as she tries to regain her breath, and her face in a heavy display of remorse Gwen begins to explain herself "I do apologize for their behavior, given it was a private meeting obviously they would be unclear of what our plans were. I generally discuss such heavy topics with my allies prior to making a decision but given the circumstances and such a lengthy discussion regarding how this accord would benefit us, I saw no point." Gwen pauses to look back at the confusion on the faces of her colleagues. Speaking louder for all present to hear "Their actions were directed by me prior to the meeting. Should anyone be punished for their actions, I submit myself, and suggest that my second in command be given the same offer of a treaty. It is a good agreement that would benefit each party." After finishing her speech Gwen feels her clouded head turn dizzy, and collapsed unto the nearest chair.


He merely tilted his glass around in his fingers, not exceptionally bothered by the course of events, it wasn't the first time he had a gun pulled on him by several beautiful women, and it would not be the last. "It is perfectly alright, you never go into something like this without a backup plan, personally I have a few drones floating around this floor of the building with 40mm machine guns to simply wipe out any heat signatures in the event of my incapacitation, but I did not come here expecting to have to use them. You struck me as an intelligent woman and I look forward to furthering this relationship. Yourself and three of your most trusted lieutenant can receive the same offers, as it would afford you the ability to expand your reach and by extension my own area of security." He took another swig of the drink, finishing the glass before setting it down, "If you'd like our agreement in writing, do you have someone who could assist in that? I can admit I didn't come here expecting a professional partnership immediately but I like surprises."

Edited by Mogar
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The United States is supporting Mogatopian steps to clean up the criminals from Mogatopia. We are willing to help if it needed.


-Masaru Kanagawa,

US Secretary of State


(OOC:i think you need to add "tl;dr". It was very long and hard to understand, Thank you)

His Excellency President of the United States of Asia


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  • 2 weeks later...
Her brain still obscured by the drink and body quivering, Gwen leaned forward in her chair. "I would indeed prefer written contract. No matter what my relationship with you I have many other lives to think of. I would prefer to fight your entire army single handedly and die than risk the lives of those who depend on me." Standing up, pulling her shoulders back and narrowing her eyes at Mogar, Gwen continued "I could have someone to aid in writing the treaty immediately, given a time and place. The sooner this little side note is out of the way, the better." Sitting down beside Mogar, she lowers her voice "You are a very powerful man, Mogar, but do not think you frighten me. It is rumored that you may not be like any man I've fought before. Physical scars cannot harm you. However, if you should be the one who breaks this alliance, I guarantee that you will regret it." Standing up once more, Gwen reaches out her hand towards Mogar's hand in a gesture of kinship.

He shook her hand, his other hand clasping over it, taking the chance to provide her with a more intimate stare, rather than the disinterested business looks that he had long mastered. "I can promise I an unlike anyone you have ever met, and while I find your attempt at a threat to be adorable, it is the same as a log threatening the flame. rather than concern yourself with how I am intending on screwing you over, I'd start thinking about how you are about to hold power over several million people rather than a few dozen thousand."

He had sent a message to one of several attendants that had been waiting in the heavily armored convoy that sat at the main entrance to the Jade Woods, and a young looking asian girl with denim hair in an all black outfit besides a small red triangular symbol with a scorpion tail on her left breast brought a small briefcase with proper document paper and everything else required to write up a legal contract, riding in the elevator as the pair continued to speak.

Sitting back down he had poured another glass for both of them, the bottle now almost empty,  "I didn't get to where I was by betraying business partners. In fact one such agreement with a woman much more powerful than you could ever imagine being is who provided with me my unique ability you mentioned. While I probably have not acted as much in their interests as I could have, I suspect my choices have led to more benefit to the other party than they had originally intended with our partnership." Taking a long swig off the glass he reached into his pocket and pulled out metallic cigar cylinder, popping off the top and sliding pulling out a thick cigar with strangely colored guts, clearly not tobacco. A zippo appearing in his hand he lit the cigar and took a long drag from it, "Stick to whatever we agree and I'm sure I can provide you with things you couldn't have dreamed of." As the sentence ended the elevator dinged and the attendant walked professionally to the table they sat at, her 4 inch heels clicking against the tile floor well before they could see her, when she finally reached them she taking a seat at the side of either them. Nodding gently towards their host she quipped "I am Suki Kudo, I'll be assisting you in affirming the language of your contract." with a slight bow as she pulled out an expensive looking pen and similar looking paper.

Nodding hastily at Suki, Gwen narrowed her eyes at Mogar. "We've agreed that I will require weapons and ammo. I request unlimited ammo for I will not be having tedious little arguments about how much ammo I require to keep your few million safe. Unlimited seems a good approximation. Supplies will include the basics: food, toiletries, and clothing or fabric for clothing for our lesser fortunate. Generally they would scavenge and steal to afford their lives. Hopefully this arrangement will stop that. We've not had much and therefore not require much. Some assistance on maintaining the vertical farms when necessary, when those few dozen thousand of mine are barely equipped to feed themselves or their kin. In exchange I will ensure that anyone under regulation shall not pillage against you. My soldiers shall not attack your tourists, but rather ensure their safety. So long as your guards do not start an agitation among my community, mine will have no need to finish it. To ensure safety I will need briefed weekly, at minimum, on your latest intelligence."

Turning her head to look towards her first lieutenant, she gestures her over. Shifting her eyes back towards Mogar. "This is Haley. When I am unable to attend the intelligence briefings she will come in my stead." Noticing Haley's questioning look she continued on. "In exchange for your intelligence, I offer to give any information I have to you about upcoming attacks on you, your enterprise, or your many endeavors." Turning her eyes onto Suki, still quickly scribbling away, Gwen inhaled sharply. "Should an individual from either side break this treaty, I feel there should be a fair hearing of judges comprised of both sides for judgement and sentence. You'll pick mine, I'll pick yours. Punishments will be decided in accordance to the crime and it's severity." Gwen leaned towards Mogar and whispers "As far as us breaking this treaty, I do not plan to as it benefits me greatly. But if I shall I will accept death as my penance. However, you should not underestimate me, Mogar. I am a natural born leader, not unlike yourself. I can rally people, I can rally them quickly. I am not entirely unfriendly with my enemies. Taking your life may be pointless. But your life wasn't spent just breathing." Pulling her shoulders back, Gwen turns her gaze towards Suki who quickly finished the agreement and slid it to the center of the table.

Taking a moment to read over the exact text written down, sliding it across to his counterpart to look over herself he pensively looked around the room before answering her questions. "Reasonable requests, I can't see a reason not to agree. Miss Suki here would probably be the most likely to show up rather than myself, but I can admit to enjoying your company enough to find the time to meet with you again. I figure a more relaxed setting might make for better conversations, dinner at Starlight perhaps?" He suggested. "As for intelligence I can make sure you get the information you would need to ensure your end of this deal. Of course I should mention that you may be required to get your hands dirty against others who are less willing to play nicely. We've not made much concern towards the various gangs, but we will be taking steps to eliminate those who don't follow the rules, so to speak." Taking her hand into his once more he looks are her intensely as he replied to her threat. "You are an intelligent woman and surely capable, I understand your fear of betrayal but I am not like the thugs you may have dealt with before, breaking your word on the streets may hurt you but breaking your word in business can mean your stock drops to nothing. I have too much of a vested interest in success on this planet to risk that. Even making this deal in and of itself is a risk to that, but one I suspect you are worth taking on."

"The bristles on my neck will not stand down simply because you reassure me, Mogar, but fair effort."Gwen replied, smirking slightly. "I do understand how much you stand to lose should I not make good on even one part of our bargain, but if I make a wrong step I lose lives, the trust of my people. I lose any and all glory currently achieved. You've got yourself a reputation, Mogar, you must not hold it against me for being cautious." Gwen stands up and inhales deeply before going on "As per my code, I will not slaughter without good reason, but if your reasons are valid of course we will comply." Gazing around and listening to the sounds of the trees "The Starlight sounds like a fine place for dinner." Gwen says before turning back towards Mogar to smile. Reaching for Suki's pen, and giving a nod of thanks to Suki, Gwen's heart beats at rapid pace. If either goes back on this agreement, it would mean a potential hell for each participant. Gwen signs her name before offering the pen to Mogar.

​He scribbled on his own dotted line, handing the completed document to Suki, who then fed the document through a small device that allowed him to have a digital copy, handing the paper back to Gwen. "As much as I have enjoyed your company there is other things I must take care of. I'll have Suki arrange our next encounter, perhaps I will come up with something by then to provide more of an assurance to you that I want this partnership to succeed." He teased as he stood, shaking her hand once more, "Try not to worry too much, you'll be queen of the underworld so long as you're helping me remain King of whatever else." Turning and leaving a trail of smoke behind him as he got into the elevator with the pair of Synths and Suki. He gave Gwen a wink as the elevator closed, and she sighed after they finally did, wondering what she had gotten herself into.
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