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Top Secret, R&D: PSP-9 (Invite Only)

The Sacred Lights

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Pocket Universe 2, Research and Development Station

In the vast black nothingness, a lone station dwelled in eternal darkness. It was one of the myriad of Research Stations in the Mayan Confederation, and it was located in one of the handful of Pocket Universes constructed by the Maya since their entry into the UMS.
Such stations were amongst the most closely guarded secret, with few even knowing of their existence. Indeed, those on such stations were officially Dead or Missing Persons. Loyal men and women, who sacrificed their personal lives and basic rights for the sake of their people.
A day would come when their lives too, were sacrificed to the gods of forbidden knowledge... But for now, they toiled away at their work.

Of considerable interest was the newly discovered PSP-9, a Subatomic Particle originating from the Fourth Dimension with Phasic Properties. Though phasic qualities were common for particle from the Fourth, and Higher dimensions, that was not what deemed the particle noteworthy. No... What made this particle special was its Space-Time Anchoring properties when in proximity of other PSP-9 particles. It was astonishing, and aside from it perhaps being the key to how 4+ dimensional physics can exist stably, the theoretical application to Third Dimensional Atomic Structure could potentially throw the known reality on it's head once again...

"Sir, this is amazing!" Gleefully cried a female researcher, to her superior. The elder man, one of the few on station, was one of the very few Mayan Men who managed to see their 900th birthday. Now twenty two thousand years old, he was one of the oldest Maya in the confederation. The much younger researcher moved aside with a smile, as the man took a look. "You-" He couldn't help but pause as he took in the sight before turning to her. "You were right Citlali. All along." He turned back to the results in amazement... She'd actually done it. Citlali had successfully introduced PSP-9 to the center of atoms, and linked them together...

Elder Aapo smiled warmly as he continued. "Now to test your theories." He said, taking the sample and inserting it into the testing chamber. The whole team gathered around in excitement. Now was the time to validate, or discredit Years of theories and Months of hard work... The small gram of PSP-9 enhanced water showed promise during its transition to the chamber, as it was able to be held by tweezers without spilling. Now inside the Chamber the water was bombarded with a chaotically shifting array of pressures. The team watched and cheered as time and time again, the H2O atomic structures repeatedly moved back into spacial orientation with one another, continually reforming into the original spherical shape... And it maintained cohesion under such violent pressure.

Elder Aapo turned to his team with the biggest smile any of them had seen on the old man. "Contact Ajaw B'aaknal Chaak, we have succeeded. PSP-9 shall from this day forward be known as the Citlali Particle."

Edited by The Sacred Lights
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<span style='font-size: 18px;'><span style='color: #b22222'><span class='bbc_underline'>"<em class='bbc'>We regret that the size of the multiverse has permitted them to exist for so long unchecked."</em></span></span><br />Remember, <em class='bbc'>I'M </em>the New Douche, not the other 7 New Guys. I'm <em class='bbc'>not</em> a Majority.</span><br />rKC4GSg.gif

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