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  1. Yes, he liberated his members from awful leadership, which is why all the members stayed right? Oh wait, there are only 3 people left in Valkryie who have logged in since the coup. It will be instructive to see what happen to the rest as they logged in and find what happened. Yes, Valkyrie had some leadership issues. We were trying to work with them on it. Maybe it would have worked, maybe not. Maybe the leadership should have stepped down. But that isn't my decision to make. it isn't your decision and it sure as hell isn't Killzbob decisions. That is Valkyries decision. All of Valkyrie. You can shit talk Valks gov all you want as if it justifies this. I don't care about Valkyries gov. I didn't ally with a government. I drafted this treaty, and it may have been Mannax, Andrew and Young who inked the page, but I didn't sign them. I signed Valkyrie, every last member. And if Valkyrie was behind this, if the members were in support of Bob and it was Andrew who had betrayed their trust, I would support his government. But they weren't, as is plainly obvious from how all their active members have left. This is what you don't seem to understand. Valkyrie, in game, is just a name and a flag, all alliances are. We are nothing without the people as our foundation. I created SK, I formed us here and in PT. I hosted our forums, IRC and later Discord. But it was the people who joined me along the way, through the highs and lows, game resets, late night blitzes, the joking and dicking around on IRC and forums, it was those people who truly brought it to life. And the same is true of every alliance in this game. Maybe I am more acutely aware of it because of how many times PT went down, dispersing our members and leaving SK an empty husk. But think about the faces we associate with major alliances, where would those AAs be if it was just them? What would NK be if it was just you? t$ if it had just been Partisan? TKR if it was Lordship? Leaders will leave their mark on their alliances, shape a large part of their policy, and deserve credit for their successes. But it is their members who stand by them that make it work, that bring everything together. These games are basic shells, they always have been. Its in the nature of being a text based browser game. The reason people have played and continue to play them is the community. Both the politics and the international community, but also the alliance community. The friends we make that keep us tethered here even after interest in the game itself wanes. When you betray your own members you betray everything that made your alliance, and this genre, worthwhile.
    13 points
  2. Says the man supporting a guy who literally betrayed his entire alliance. Our friends are currently standing by our side in SK while they work on how to respond to this. The Valkyrie we called friend doesn't exist anymore. It may be there in-game, but an alliance isn't just a tag, nor is it its gov. The heart of an alliance lies in its members. You take that away and you just have a husk, something I know quite well from the time SK existed as just me and Tenages idling in IRC between the death of PT and the rise of PW. Alliances play in different ways and hold different standards, but we are all trying to form communities and a group we can enjoy playing with. I dont really care about democracy or not in this game, but the members of Valkyrie chose that government, and when Killzbob cast it aside, he cast them aside. This can be plainly seen from how Valkyrie has cratered and lost almost every single active member since the coup. Maybe I'm just sentimental from past experiences and overly focused on the community of alliances/guilds/clans in these multiplayer games. You can do whatever you want in politics, make and break alliances, launch wars, raid, try and dominate the game, consolidate, whatever. Doesn't matter to me on an OOC level because its all just part of the game, no reason to make things personal or talk about right and wrong. And while alliances are of course an integral part of the game, they are also communities in their own right, a place to make some friends to go along for the ride. Spying with fake accounts, coups, anything that poisens the communities themselves and the relationship between people outside the game has never sat right with me. Everyone has their own standards I suppose, but when you do something like this and !@#$ over the people you called friend and partner, you cross a line in my mind. I can't respect someone who would do that, nor those that would support them. For someone who always talks a lot about brotherhood and looking after your brothers, its a shame to see you supporting someone who so ruthlessly backstabbed his own.
    9 points
  3. You posted a whole bunch of crap to communicate a whole lot of nothing. If you're gonna call someone out, just do it.
    8 points
  4. Damn Apeman, if you want a war, just go pick one already. You seem to always step up and "protect" alliances at various times. I'm starting to think it's less about protecting people and more just to see how much you can get away with.
    8 points
  5. From The Desk of Uncle Traveling Matt The Mighty Nation of Fraggle Rock Greetings to all the nicest nations of the world. And a hearty hello to the others. It has been a while since we have had time to write a message to outer space. I was away exploring new concepts and eating large amounts of strombolis. Filling? Sure. Delicious? Without a doubt. What is the best type you ask? Any that costs less than a hour of minimum wage and offers more than one container of sauce. Sometimes, a great place will offer something other than marinara sauce. I once heard of a place that had a special garlic butter sauce. Some day. Some day. I tell you what, two containers and a hearty stromboli? Sounds like something everyone could get behind. Well of course the gluten free crowd. the non dairy crowd, the non meat crowd, the non having a real diet crowd. So sure, it's not for everyone. No everyone can have delicious food stuffs. I get it. I don't look down on you. I don't pity you. I don't walk past you while you consume cow feed for lunch and giggle. I do none of that. I am above of all that. Why you ask. Because I am on my way to pleasure town with a stromboli and a few dozen containers of sauce. Sure I am not drinking the sauce like a milk shake. I can't do that. If I could, I would sell it to the masses. But we already have enough here. So let's move on to a few random musings. As I have been away, my Fraggles have been telling me stories about Orbis. I shall comment now. Stay tuned for the FFF program. 1) I see that The Best Nation Ever Seen is still developing its nuclear program. We have spent the better part of three human years (23456987654 days in Fraggle Rock) trying to perfect the missile technology. We have failed twice before and regret those mistakes. As we keep building nuclear weapons, for the better of the world, we need to make sure they work. So the third annual Fraggle Rock Random Nuclear Testing will happen in a few weeks. In the past, all ten of our nuclear weapons have landed inside other nations. I have a great feeling this year that at least sixty percent of our launches will not harm any nations. The best nuclear Fraggle tell me that our program has made great strides and I look forward to seeing their hard work. This year will be a bit different. Instead of a totally random process of selecting nations to launch our nuclear weapons over, we will be accepting bids from other nations to come here and point the nuclear weapons where they want. Now we want to set you up nicely here in Fraggle Rock. Our people live where they work. We don't want our guests sleeping in the farms or in the uranium mines, or near the oil wells. So for your visit to be memorable, we will need ten million dollars per nation, so that we can start construction on a grand hotel for welcomed guests. Now the hotel won't be finished by the time you arrive, but you will still pay us for the right to launch nuclear weapons anywhere in the world. Enjoy sleeping on the farms. Two) I don't have time to read much of what is said around outer space. Brief glaces tells me that a lot of nations are not happy with the current climate. I don't know the reasons, nor do I care. Stay away from us and we tend to stay away from you. It's simple. But I did have a thought the other week about how to fix the current situation. For a mere five million dollars, you will have direct access to me to hear my thoughts. III) My good friend and self proclaimed Uncle of Space has been doing a great job keeping things interesting around here. He has been trying to expand into different mediums, with various success. I have to thank him for trying. I know he gets bored with the day to day operation of a cult. I kid. No I don't, it's true. The demand to create new things is taking a toll. So he might be stepping away soon, leaving a hole in the universe. Fear not, as I will be here to hug you if you need it. His merry band of idiots are a welcomed thing around here. Without them, a lot of good people wouldn't be here. Please make sure to send him a private message and thank him for trying. He needs the attention. 2+2) I see the creation of new alliances and the failures of others. I have not much to say about this besides that I see it. X-V) Onto the promised FFF program. In the coming weeks, The Smartest Nation Ever will be rolling out the FFF program. Details will follow shortly, but the idea is simple. The FFF program will be a simple investing tool for other nations to profit. This is not a scam. Our scams tend to have flare and misdirection. The FFF program will be clearly laid out for everyone to try to understand. Lastly. I want to take a moment to thank you for reading this far. I know that it takes a lot for your attention to stay on one page. Heck all of this might be a ploy to get you to read something for four minutes so others can attack your nation. Well that's not the case. But if it were the case, it would have been great. But it's not the case. You are not being attacked. There's no conspiracy against you. Your personality is great and everyone loves you. It's not a lie if you truly believe it. Now go forth and let what you read sink in. Again, it's not the words you read, it's the space between them that matters. Always read more into everything and be willing to assume. We here in The Smartest, Best Dressed Nation encourage it. Take care of others and always look behind you at the same time. Feel free to contact us via email. Take Care, Uncle Traveling Matt
    8 points
  6. >make new alliance >put "The" in front of original name >profit
    8 points
  7. Just to lighten the mood a bit..... Christmas is in 46 days.
    7 points
  8. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles. Noodles.
    7 points
  9. Hello all, First, I'd like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has reached out to me and my alliance with well wishes and congratulations on the formation of the now 5 day old Stratagem. I truly am grateful for the words of encouragement that we have received Orbis-wide. We thank you for the support. Unfortunately, SGM has encountered quite a bit of !@#$ery in our infancy and as co-founder and current leader, I just cannot continue to abide it. I will not spill ALL of the tea right now, but just enough to let the parties that need to see this know that I am not playing games. I tried to handle this diplomatically. SGM's protectors, Fark and Guardian, have been working overtime to peacefully resolve a rather simple situation that landed on all of our doorsteps due to pure treachery. To Fark and Guardian, I want to say thank you so much for working with and supporting Stratagem during this difficult time. I am sorry that these evildoers insist on not only dicking SGM around, but your alliances as well. I know that you both have done all that you can do and that is why I am taking the lead now. Stratagem has been attacked and under siege pretty much from day 1. The alliance in question knows exactly what the issue is and I will not explain anything to them anymore. They insist on playing dumb and now I must insist that it stops. Right now. I told you and your government I have logs and you KNOW I'm not lying. I told you I had 5 logs and now it's actually over 11 and still counting. Had your FA gov not threatened my brand new alliance with "raiding for an eternity" (spelled incorrectly, but I knew what they meant) for something they initiated, I would not be doing this. I do find public log dumping rather distasteful and only suitable as a last resort measure. However, you all have been beyond distasteful and shown poor sportsmanship since the very beginning, unnecessarily so. I am unclear on why you've been treating us so poorly (right out the gate, no less), but you have utterly exhausted my Christian nature. I asked Jesus to keep me near the cross, but this injustice keeps pushing me further away with every hour that you all continue with your !@#$shit. If you do not give SGM what we, Fark, and Guardian have asked for in short order, I am dumping EVERY PIECE OF DIRT I have on you and your alliance. I tried to be nice, mature, and chill because....this is a game. But when you !@#$ with my alliance AND OUR MONEY, you !@#$ with my emotions. Heed the warning on the SGM alliance page: "All hostile acts against us will be countered and avenged to the fullest extent. Don’t play yourself." You will learn to take me seriously. Whether it's now or after billions of dollars of post-war rebuild is up to you. It really didn't have to be this way. This is your FINAL warning. Look what you made me do...
    4 points
  10. Please, don't let the complaining of the peanut gallery stop you from bringing things into public light. Public drama is something this game has been sorely missing and the sad people here who would rather the game be entirely conducted behind closed doors are the same who would see this world dead.
    4 points
  11. We have food, of course, but a nation doesn't solely run on food. We also have power plants, whether that be oil, coal, nuclear, or wind, which one could argue is also a consumer good. So we now have two consumer goods: food and energy. I personally think that a nation should run off more than purely food and energy. For example, if a nation produced gasoline, is it logical to assume that 100% of all gasoline produced would go directly to the government? Assuming that all improvements aren't all government owned, and even if it was, wouldn't some of that gasoline go towards the general population? Perhaps for heating or for cars? Also steel, wouldn't some of that steel go towards building construction? So what I'm suggesting is that portions of daily manufacturing goods (I'm thinking gasoline and steel) be used up in the same fashion food is used up, not at the same rate but at a rate which would accurately reflect how a nation would use those resources. Thereby making larger nations with more cities and higher population have to "sacrifice" some of their production for the maintenance of their population. The idea behind this is to decrease the sheer tonnage of manufactured goods larger nations can pump out.
    3 points
  12. MY GOD. I DO have an account after all. And you made me dig it up, just to say I WANT MY DRAMA NOW!!! FASTER!! I am bored. How dare you wake me up for this half-baked, detail-void screed. A pox on you all. Wake me up when the first nuke falls.
    3 points
  13. I think it's a little premature to judge the effect of this post, don't you? Especially since it's clearly necessitates follow up?
    3 points
  14. Not my kink, but I'm not going to shame you for it.
    3 points
  15. Alright, I tried, but you caught me. We actually orchestrated the coup and then threatened all of them to join our alliance or we'd attack them. Jeez I'm just as bad as Tenages was with this plotting thing...
    3 points
  16. When your friends need you most you step back and cancel. Throw spies at them and disregard what is best for Valkyrie as a whole. Which ever way this plays out, they will need a friend. I get it SK, you only want to be friends when it's convenient and easy. Most protectorates are based in the assumption they will fail and merge. I get that also. The arguments I have heard from both sides shows me one thing. A change was needed. Internal strife and policy laziness lead to this. Valkyrie had and has potential with some actual nourishment. In case you guys didn't read the other thread... I protect them now. Hostile actions will be discussed and prepared for. If you want to be involved in that then join the convo. Work with me to end this conflict or declare. The line is drawn
    3 points
  17. You imply that this wasn't attempted. You imply incorrectly. Damn it man, let the woman have her metaphor.
    2 points
  18. Valk had 38 members on the eve of the coup, not 57. Within 24 hours almost every active Valkyrie nation had left for temporary shelter in SK while their elected gov could get online and decide what to do. Of the members now remaining in Valkyrie in game, only 6 of them have even logged in since the coup took place, 2 of whom are new nations who have been in the alliance less than a week. Its not exactly a rousing success story Further as Roz mentioned, we didn't void the treaty but went through the cancellation process, even though the government of Valkyrie and its membership are now nonexistent (in-game). That still left us on the hook to defend them for three, days plenty of time for all their members to login and respond to the news. It would have been quite funny if, as Roz mentioned, RW/Arrgh weren't tied up and ended up hitting Valk during the cancellation period. We'd be left to defend a usurper with whom we are at odds. I almost wish it had happened, would have made for a great story It seems like you're the only one who wants NK vs SK. I don't know why, but if you really want it you know where to find us. I can respect being on the warpath, but not meddling in the internals of 3rd parties, overthrowing their governments and spouting nonsense on the OWF to bait us into hitting you.
    2 points
  19. My only take away is that you went with SGM as an acronym and I couldn’t be more disappointed. Also, if you’re gonna call out an alliance, just call them out by name, don’t dance around because we all know who you’re talking about.
    2 points
  20. No see we planned it all as part of an elaborate plan to maneuver them into a war with our enemies, grinding them both down so we could then strike at Valk after. Great ValkyriE war incoming.
    2 points
  21. Your alliance should have a war guide. If they don't, here is one from the wiki. http://politicsandwar.wikia.com/wiki/War Basically, each side starts with 100 resistance. Every attack will remove some resistance based on the attack type and outcome. In most cases, the person with the higher number of units will win a battle. There should be battle simulators at the bottom of this page. https://politicsandwar.com/tools/ An immense triumph from each of the attack types will have a different effect. For example, winning a naval battle will blockade your enemy. There is more info about these in the first link, assuming it is up to date. Hope that helps. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. My lation link is on the left.
    2 points
  22. Someone from VE should give their expert opinion
    2 points
  23. I didnt want to necro a thread from June/July. I am going to attempt to update this script to work with the current version of PnW Most if not all the functions that it provides will be stating, if they still work. I will provide periodic updates when I work on this but my free time is limited. If you guys/gals have any questions or anything, let me know. I will try my best to answer them.
    1 point
  24. As the post says, you will get A LOT of context about the situation if it isn't resolved in the very near future. Have patience, my friends.
    1 point
  25. And if you want it to be productive, as Queen so loudly claimed she wished it to be, perhaps more context and straight speak would do a hell of a lot more. So far I'm bored and unimpressed by the uninspired and manufactured outrage. You're falling flat and it sucks.
    1 point
  26. To be perfectly fair to SK you cannot quite define it as them "abandoning Valkyrie". They cancelled the treaty yes but it still has 3 days from cancellation which is more than enough time for people to move over to a temporary/new/SK alliance. If Kill gave the alliance back today then I'm sure they'd reinstate the old treaty again as quick as possible. I suppose there is an element of recklessness, someone like Arrgh/RW hitting Valkyrie post cancellation but before the 72 hours would certainly be awkward but those actors were... tied up so to speak so no real foul there.
    1 point
  27. Hey guys your friendly neighborhood Apeman here. Just want to point out a few things. 1. I have not asked Hogwarts for anything. Truth be told I never even charged them any tax. They were welcomed personally by me in pm and welcome to do anything. Just as I won't ask Valkyrie. 2. Valkyrie was in need of protection. They just had a civil uprising and coup. Whatever the reasons why..... I'm offering all the members of Valkyrie protection including but not limited to those now in SK. 3. Valkyrie was indeed in need of protection and at that point when I accepted, her membership was 57. Remember their big brother in SK bailed a few hours earlier? 4. Within 5 mins of sending the protection offer in game and them accepting, I was queried by two seperate heads of alliances which tells me not only are people looking to molest those 57 members but they are also scared of the Ape! 5. Shortly after this all went down I expressed an interest in communicating a mutual ground and probable solution but as of right now I have recieved no communications at all except from people who no longer get to slap kids for free. What I'm trying to express is a new Ape has evolved with the radiation. I have done many things in this game and enjoyed it tremendously. I love the forums the best. Anywho I'm trying my hand at diplomacy. So far I'm one for one. Trying for two. !@#$ it. The world wants NK vs SK. It fits so well with the real world conflicts. Only question left is who wants to be America and who gonna be my Russia and China? Why not embrace the new ape instead of poking the old one? It all starts with one message. I have talked to all who message me.
    1 point
  28. +1 This might actually give the politics of the game more value which is something the game could use from the sore lack of war.
    1 point
  29. Good luck, friendos. You don't really need it, but whatever.
    1 point
  30. I think you're mixing two wars. in the last war, Hogwarts hit Zodiac (who had hit Mensa). After that, we diverted to hit Valkyrie, who had not entered the war at all. That's part of why we picked them as a target.
    1 point
  31. Everyone better back off. I was brought in solely for the belly rubs. Anyone who wants to try to take over...come at me.
    1 point
  32. There'd have to be a threat first. Good luck with your alliance.
    1 point
  33. Sure helps me....
    1 point
  34. The getaway driver from Payday 2 after they retire.
    1 point
  35. @Smith is into dwarves.
    1 point
  36. My suggestion is simple. Alex, can you add a "opt-in" checkbox to our accounts when it comes to receiving outside-alliance mass-messages? I'm getting tired of dealing with SPAM that non-alliance nations keep sending. One of them refuses to remove my alliance's membership from his or her list despite constant messages we keep getting. I get enough SPAM IRL, I'd rather not get it here. With the new alliance-mass message list, we really don't need any more mass messages clogging up my membership's inboxes. I understand some people like getting these emails, but I'd rather not get them. All you would have to do is add some checkboxes for SPAMers to register or get messaged labeled as mass-messages which would not be able to be sent unless someone had opt'ed in to unsolicited messages. Thanks!
    1 point
  37. National project name: Center for Waste Management Small description: Creates a major center for all waste management facilities to be controlled Project effect: Reduces all pollution effects by 20% (Pollution numbers would be rounded down) Resource cost: 4000 2000 Cash cost: $35,000,000 Not sure how balanced this is but the numbers could be tweaked of course
    1 point
  38. Once we got hold of the screenshots from RW, it was determined that what we initially thought was a treasure-raid was actually more complicated and ended up being the result of a broken agreement made by that ex-SD member and RW before the merger. Just to clarify- RW didn't break their word and that's why we released that member to their judgment.
    1 point
  39. I will try to read this when I have a couple hours free
    1 point
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